Tags - gaza

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Tags - gaza
TEHRAN, Dec 28_Israeli forces have attacked Palestinians taking part in the final round of protests held on a weekly basis near the fence separating the Gaza Strip from the occupied territories, leaving a number of protesters injured.
News ID: 44669    Publish Date : 2019/12/28

TEHRAN, Dec 27_Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz says the Tel Aviv regime would return to “the policy of assassinations” against distinguished figures of Palestinian resistance groups in the Gaza Strip, as its acts of aggression against the besieged coastal enclave continue unabated.
News ID: 44659    Publish Date : 2019/12/27

TEHRAN, Dec 6_Families of those killed by Israeli forces aboard an aid flotilla heading for the besieged Gaza Strip in 2010 will appeal the International Criminal Court (ICC)’s decision not to press charges against Tel Aviv.
News ID: 44464    Publish Date : 2019/12/06

TEHRAN, Nov 27_The Israeli military has conducted fresh air strikes on the Gaza Strip after Palestinians in the blockaded enclave and the occupied West Bank marked a “day of rage” in protest against the US’s contentious declaration of support for the regime’s land grab policy.
News ID: 44352    Publish Date : 2019/11/27

TEHRAN, Nov 14_The Gaza-based Palestinian Islamic Jihad movement says it is holding fire after the regime in Israel accepted its key demands, including stopping targeted killings, as part of an Egypt-mediated truce amid at ending the military confrontation between the two sides.
News ID: 44228    Publish Date : 2019/11/14

TEHRAN, Nov 14_Israel’s assassination of a senior Palestinian resistance commander has opened the floodgates of reaction, with Palestinians and their allies warning of strong repercussions and Israel-friendly parties sufficing to voice “concern” about the escalation.
News ID: 44225    Publish Date : 2019/11/14

TEHRAN, Nov 12_Israel has killed a senior commander for the Palestinian Islamic Jihad movement in an airstrike in the Gaza Strip, sparking a barrage of retaliatory rocket fire from the besieged enclave into the occupied territories.
News ID: 44211    Publish Date : 2019/11/12

TEHRAN, Nov 12_On Monday, the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades held a military parade in the Gaza Strip to mark one year since a botched Israeli raid on the enclave.
News ID: 44208    Publish Date : 2019/11/12

TEHRAN, Sept 11 -Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is forced to flee and seek shelter during a campaign event in the port city of Ashdod ahead of next week's snap legislative elections as rockets fired from the besieged Gaza Strip threatened the area.
News ID: 43613    Publish Date : 2019/09/11

TEHRAN, Sept 10 -The Palestinian Hamas resistance movement has shot down an Israeli drone in the Gaza Strip, a day after the regime carried out a fresh wave of air raids against the besieged coastal enclave.
News ID: 43606    Publish Date : 2019/09/10

TEHRAN, Sept 07 -The Israeli military has launched fresh attacks on the besieged Gaza Strip, after Israeli troops killed two Palestinian teenagers during anti-occupation protests near the fence separating the coastal sliver from the occupied territories.
News ID: 43552    Publish Date : 2019/09/07

TEHRAN, Jul 29 - The Israeli military says its so-called Southern Command’s engineering unit has been erecting a sand barrier near the fence between the occupied territories and the besieged Gaza Strip.
News ID: 42525    Publish Date : 2019/07/29

TEHRAN, Jul 11 -The Israeli military says its troops have opened fire at two members of the Palestinian Hamas resistance movement near the besieged Gaza Strip’s fence, killing one of them.
News ID: 41880    Publish Date : 2019/07/11

TEHRAN, Jul 6 - Israeli forces have attacked Palestinians taking part in protests near the border fence separating the besieged Gaza Strip from the occupied territories, leaving scores of people injured.
News ID: 41617    Publish Date : 2019/07/06

TEHRAN, Jul 4 -Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has threatened a “large-scale” military offensive against the Gaza Strip.
News ID: 41550    Publish Date : 2019/07/04

TEHRAN, Jun 25 -Palestinians in Gaza are on general strike, with stores and public institutions shuttering in protest of the Trump administration's conference in Bahrain, which focuses on the economic portion of the White House's plan for Mideast peace.
News ID: 41161    Publish Date : 2019/06/25

TEHRAN, Jun 21 - At least 70 Palestinians have been wounded by Israeli troops during protests near the border fence separating the besieged Gaza Strip from the Tel Aviv-occupied territories.
News ID: 40959    Publish Date : 2019/06/21

TEHRAN, Jun 15 - The Zionist regime’s forces attacked Palestinians taking part in anti-occupation protests near the fence separating the besieged Gaza Strip from the occupied territories, wounding 49 civilians.
News ID: 40699    Publish Date : 2019/06/15

TEHRAN, Jun 13 - Israeli warplanes have struck Palestinian resistance forces’ positions in southern areas of Gaza strip.
News ID: 40632    Publish Date : 2019/06/13

TEHRAN, Jun 8 - Less than a week after Saudi authorities arrested more than 60 people, including Palestinian expatriates and Saudi nationals, on charges of supporting the Palestinian Hamas resistance movement, they have now blocked money transfers between the kingdom and the Gaza Strip.
News ID: 40532    Publish Date : 2019/06/08