Tags - korea

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Tags - korea
TEHRAN, May 23, YJC -China has called on North Korea not to defy UN Security Council resolutions by its nuclear and missile activities following Pyongyang’s test-launch of a mid-range ballistic missile.
News ID: 9858    Publish Date : 2017/05/23

TEHRAN, May 19, YJC - USS Ronald Reagan is reportedly being deployed off the Korean coast after a new ballistic missile test by Pyongyang.
News ID: 9746    Publish Date : 2017/05/19

TEHRAN, May 9, YJC -North Korea has vowed retaliation for an alleged failed assassination attempt against its leader Kim Jong-un.
News ID: 9497    Publish Date : 2017/05/09

TEHRAN, May 1, YJC - Pyongyang says it will sink a US submarine deployed off the Korean Peninsula in case of the slightest misstep by Washington.
News ID: 9313    Publish Date : 2017/05/01

TEHRAN, April 25, YJC -North Korea is reportedly engaged in a large-scale live-fire artillery exercise, in what is apparently intended to signal to a hostile United States that Pyongyang is combat-ready.
News ID: 9183    Publish Date : 2017/04/25

TEHRAN, April 25, YJC -The United States has sent a nuclear submarine to South Korea amid escalating tensions with the neighboring North.
News ID: 9172    Publish Date : 2017/04/25

TEHRAN, April 16, YJC - US Vice President Mike Pence has arrived in South Korea amid rising concerns that the simmering tensions on the Korean Peninsula would eventually turn into a full-scale military confrontation between the United States and North Korea.
News ID: 8958    Publish Date : 2017/04/16

TEHRAN, April 15, YJC - Russia has urged all sides involved in the crisis in the Korean Peninsula to show "restraint", warning of any "provocative steps" amid reports of potential military confrontation between North Korea and the United States.
News ID: 8944    Publish Date : 2017/04/15

TEHRAN, April 14, YJC -Japan’s National Security Council discussed how to evacuate its nearly 60,000 citizens from South Korea in the event of a crisis over North Korea’s nuclear program, a government official said on Friday.
News ID: 8909    Publish Date : 2017/04/14

TEHRAN, April 14, YJC - The United States is prepared to launch a preemptive strike against North Korea should American officials become convinced that Pyongyang is going ahead with a nuclear weapons test, a report says.
News ID: 8908    Publish Date : 2017/04/14

TEHRAN, April 12, YJC -Chinese President Xi Jinping called for a peaceful resolution of rising tension on the Korean peninsula in a telephone conversation with U.S. President Donald Trump on Wednesday, as a U.S. aircraft carrier strike group steamed towards the region.
News ID: 8867    Publish Date : 2017/04/12

TEHRAN, April 12, YJC -Chinese President Xi Jinping has told US President Donald Trump to resolve ongoing tensions with North Korea peacefully.
News ID: 8860    Publish Date : 2017/04/12

TEHRAN, March 21, YJC-North Korea has downplayed US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson's warning of a possible military strike against the country, stressing its full readiness to respond to any war.
News ID: 8402    Publish Date : 2017/03/21

North Korea has reportedly fired a ballistic missile, triggering a sharp reaction from South Korea, which detected and reported the launch.
News ID: 7690    Publish Date : 2017/02/12

A South Korean teenager who went missing in Turkey near the Syrian border had images of what appeared to be Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) militants on his home computer, police said on Monday, amid suspicions he may have joined the group.
News ID: 6065    Publish Date : 2015/01/19

Tehran, YJC. Rouhani and the North Korean FM have discussed ways to boost cooperation.
News ID: 5091    Publish Date : 2014/09/17

Tehran, YJC. A team of South Korean trade and economic envoys visited Iran's Shahid Rajayee port on Wednesday to study the investment opportunities in there.
News ID: 4986    Publish Date : 2014/09/04

Tehran, YJC. One year after news broke out that Iran had exported oil to North Korea Iranian official denies the report.
News ID: 4141    Publish Date : 2014/05/11

TEHRAN, YJC. Delegation from South Korea visits Iran to discuss cultural-economic cooperation.
News ID: 4002    Publish Date : 2014/04/23

Tehran, YJC. Lawmaker says the legislative body confirms the news that Iran’s FM has not welcomed a missile crew from N Korea.
News ID: 3506    Publish Date : 2014/02/17