Tags - output

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Tags - output
TEHRAN, July 01 - The leader of Saudi Arabia promised President Donald Trump that he can boost oil production if needed and the country has 2 million barrels per day of spare capacity available, the White House said on Saturday.
News ID: 25245    Publish Date : 2018/07/01

TEHRAN, June 22 - The OPEC oil countries agreed Friday to increase their combined production by almost 1 million barrels a day, though questions remain over some members' ability to do so amid domestic trouble and sanctions.
News ID: 24778    Publish Date : 2018/06/22

TEHRAN, June 18 - Iran said it will veto an anticipated proposal by Saudi Arabia and Russia to increase global production of oil when major producers meet in Vienna on Wednesday, stressing that it will have Iraq and Venezuela by its side to block the move.
News ID: 24574    Publish Date : 2018/06/18

TEHRAN, June 18 -Iran says it will veto an anticipated proposal by Saudi Arabia and Russia to increase global production of oil when major producers meet in Vienna on Wednesday, stressing that it will have Iraq and Venezuela by its side to block the move.
News ID: 24568    Publish Date : 2018/06/18

TEHRAN, January 24 - Iran expects its gold production this year to hit record 6 tonnes - a “valuable achievement” in the words of Deputy Minister of Industry, Mine and Trade Jafar Sarqini.
News ID: 18323    Publish Date : 2018/01/24

TEHRAN, January 15 - 57 Iranian petrochemical complexes have made 39.9 million tons of products over the first nine months of Iranian calendar year (March 21, 2017 – November 21, 2017).
News ID: 17947    Publish Date : 2018/01/15

TEHRAN, September 23 - Iran’s steel mills produced 13.44 million tons of steel from the beginning of January this year up to the end of August, registering a 15.7% growth compared with last year's corresponding period, the latest report released by World Steel Association shows.
News ID: 13176    Publish Date : 2017/09/23

TEHRAN, September 11 - Iran said it expects to raise oil output by 4.5 million barrels per day (mb/d) within the next five years.
News ID: 12868    Publish Date : 2017/09/11

TEHRAN, August 29 - Iranian Oil Minister Bijan Zangeneh said the country’s daily crude output is 3.8 million barrels, which is almost the same production level before the 2012 sanctions.
News ID: 12530    Publish Date : 2017/08/29

Iran’s copper production has shown a rise over the first nine months of Iranian calendar year (started on March 20, 2016), comparing to similar period in the year before.
News ID: 7441    Publish Date : 2017/01/27