Tags - palestinian

Young journalists club

Tags - palestinian
Thursday, 13May 2021 (YJC)_ IRGC released a statement to condemn the crimes of the Zionist regime and to vow the stronger support of the Palestinian people.
News ID: 51806    Publish Date : 2021/05/13

Tuesday, 11 May 2021_Palestinian resistance factions say they have launched ‘Operation al-Quds Sword’ in retaliation for the Israeli regime’s acts of aggression against Palestinians in Jerusalem al-Quds, saying their goal is to liberate the holy city from Israeli occupation.
News ID: 51785    Publish Date : 2021/05/11

Saturday, 08 May 2021(YJC)_ Russia condemned attacks on civilians after violent clashes between Israeli police and Palestinians.
News ID: 51748    Publish Date : 2021/05/08

Tuesday, 06 April 2021 _Israeli forces have killed and injured thousands of Palestinian children over the past decade under the watchful eye of the international community.
News ID: 51255    Publish Date : 2021/04/06

Monday, 05 April 2021_Palestinian election officials say they have approved applications by three dozen political groups to run in long-awaited legislative elections set for next month.
News ID: 51245    Publish Date : 2021/04/05

Monday, 22 March 2021_French activist Olivia Zemor has gone on trial in Lyon after making an online appeal in 2016 for a boycott of Israeli pharmaceutical giant Teva company.
News ID: 51106    Publish Date : 2021/03/22

Friday, 19 March 2021_Palestinian refugees in the blockaded Gaza Strip have demonstrated in front UNRWA aid office against cuts to vital services and assistance by the UN agency.
News ID: 51070    Publish Date : 2021/03/19

Monday, 08 March 2021 _Israeli forces have shot a Palestinian man over an alleged stabbing attack in the occupied West Bank.
News ID: 50930    Publish Date : 2021/03/08

Tuesday, 02 March 2021 (YJC)_ Prisoner rights activists and families of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli prisons held a sit-in inside the office of the International Committee of the Red Cross in Gaza.
News ID: 50834    Publish Date : 2021/03/02

Monday, 01 March 2021_Israeli forces have severally beaten up and arrested a Palestinian teenager in the West Bank after claiming he attempted to stab an Israeli settler.
News ID: 50818    Publish Date : 2021/03/01

Tuesday, 16 February 2021_Families of Palestinians imprisoned in Israeli jails and human rights activists have held a sit-in inside the office of the International Committee of the Red Cross in the Gaza Strip. They protested Tel-Aviv’s inhumane treatment of thousands of Palestinian political prisoners in Israeli detention facilities.
News ID: 50616    Publish Date : 2021/02/16

Monday, 15 February 2021 _Palestinian resistance movements Hamas and the Islamic Jihad have hailed Algeria’s decision to snub an international conference due to its featuring of a representative from the Israeli regime.
News ID: 50609    Publish Date : 2021/02/15

Saturday, 06 February 2021_The International Criminal Court (ICC) has confirmed that the territories occupied by Israel in the 1967 Arab–Israeli War are subject to its jurisdiction, paving the way for The Hague-based intergovernmental organization to open a war crimes investigation into Israeli military actions.
News ID: 50466    Publish Date : 2021/02/06

Tuesday, 02 February 2021_Palestinian resistance fighters have reportedly shot down a drone belonging to the Israeli military in the southern Gaza Strip.
News ID: 50445    Publish Date : 2021/02/02

Tuesday, 02 February 2021_Human Rights Watch (HRW) has called on new US President Joe Biden to defend free speech, including peaceful calls for a boycott of Israel, and publicly renounce his predecessor Donald Trump’s legacy of branding human rights groups and activists critical of Israel and its settlement expansion in the occupied Palestinian lands as “anti-Semitic.”
News ID: 50444    Publish Date : 2021/02/02

Monday, 01 February 2021 _Palestinian resistance fighters have brought down an Israeli quadcopter conducting an espionage mission against the besieged Gaza Strip.
News ID: 50429    Publish Date : 2021/02/01

Tuesday, 26 January 2021 (YJC)_ Acting envoy to UN says US is to reopen Palestinian diplomatic offices shuttered by Trump.
News ID: 50355    Publish Date : 2021/01/26

The head of the political bureau of the Hamas resistance movement says new efforts have been made aimed at resuming national dialog among various Palestinian factions to reach reconciliation for achieving national unity.
News ID: 50025    Publish Date : 2021/01/02

Monday, 28 December 2020_The health condition of an ill Palestinian prisoner has suffered a sharp decline in an Israeli jail, a report warns.
News ID: 49976    Publish Date : 2020/12/28

Sunday, 13 December 2020 (YJC)_ IDF soldiers3 unarmed men who crossed from Gaza to Israel.
News ID: 49764    Publish Date : 2020/12/13