Gazans hold a sit-in to support Palestinian prisoners

Young journalists club

News ID: 50616
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 8:06 - 16 February 2021
Tuesday, 16 February 2021_Families of Palestinians imprisoned in Israeli jails and human rights activists have held a sit-in inside the office of the International Committee of the Red Cross in the Gaza Strip. They protested Tel-Aviv’s inhumane treatment of thousands of Palestinian political prisoners in Israeli detention facilities.

Gazans hold a sit-in to support Palestinian prisonersThe Palestinian prisoners kept in these facilities are denied basic human rights. Many of them are detained during overnight raids across the occupied territories. 

Prisoners’ advocacy groups have condemned Israel for the inhuman condition of these detainees, especially those suffering from chronic medical conditions amid the Coronavirus pandemic.

The Israeli regime has also issued more than 50,000 so-called administrative detention orders against Palestinians since 1967. Administrative detainees are denied due process and their detention orders can be renewed for indefinite periods of time.

Palestinian prisoners are also subjected to torture and psychological pressures by the Israeli prison authorities, including daily raids and solitary confinement.

People here are calling on the international community to end its silence and help Palestinian prisoners.

According to prisoners’ advocacy groups Israel is currently holding around five thousand Palestinians, including women and children, behind bars.

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