Tags - japan

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Tags - japan
TEHRAN, August 6, YJC -Japan has marked the 72nd anniversary of the United States’ nuclear bombing of Hiroshima, expressing a desire to lead the world toward the abolition of atomic weapons.
News ID: 11805    Publish Date : 2017/08/06

TEHRAN, August 3, YJC -Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has reshuffled his cabinet by dumping arch-conservatives and picking critical voices in a bid to regain public support after a spate of scandals and missteps badly hurt his popularity.
News ID: 11725    Publish Date : 2017/08/03

TEHRAN, July 31, YJC - Iranian teams managed to scoop 16 titles in the biggest and most reputable robotic competitions in the world held this year in Japan’s Nagoya from 27 to 31 July.
News ID: 11606    Publish Date : 2017/07/31

TEHRAN, July 27, YJC - Japan’s Defense Minister Tomomi Inada is hours away from resigning, local media say, as pressure mounts on the embattled minister over the suspected cover-up of information related to a United Nations peacekeeping mission in South Sudan.
News ID: 11509    Publish Date : 2017/07/27

TEHRAN, July 25, YJC -Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has been grilled in the parliament for a second day over a favoritism scandal, which has greatly contributed to his falling popularity.
News ID: 11402    Publish Date : 2017/07/25

TEHRAN, July 24, YJC - Iranian Deputy Minister of Science for International Affairs Salar Amoli and Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Head Shinichi Kitaoka discussed expanding bilateral cooperation in scientific fields.
News ID: 11370    Publish Date : 2017/07/24

TEHRAN, July 23, YJC -Tens of thousands of people in northeast Japan were told to evacuate their homes on Sunday as heavy rain caused major flooding and cut some rail links, authorities said.
News ID: 11329    Publish Date : 2017/07/23

TEHRAN, July 20, YJC - Researchers and students at Iran’s prestigious Amir-Kabir University are going to take part in Japanese 2017 Robocup which is going to be held in Nagoya.
News ID: 11269    Publish Date : 2017/07/20

TEHRAN, July 14, YJC - A consortium of South Korean and Japanese companies signed agreements to fund and implement a chain of condensate refining projects in southern Iran – a project known as the Octopus of the Persian Gulf.
News ID: 11121    Publish Date : 2017/07/14

TEHRAN, July 10, YJC - Iran and Japan stressed expanding bilateral cooperation in customs.
News ID: 11020    Publish Date : 2017/07/10

TEHRAN, July 8, YJC - Flood in Japan has destroyed dozens of homes and killed 2.
News ID: 10969    Publish Date : 2017/07/08

TEHRAN, July 4, YJC -North Korea says it has successfully test-fired an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), which is capable of hitting anywhere in the world.
News ID: 10910    Publish Date : 2017/07/04

TEHRAN, July 4, YJC - As part of an effort to scale back daunting workloads and increase time with families, the Japanese government is considering creating a “Kid’s week” holiday that they hope will encourage the use of paid leave and money spent on travel.
News ID: 10901    Publish Date : 2017/07/04

TEHRAN, July 4, YJC - Pyongyang's repeated missile launches are a provocation and a blatant violation of the UN Security Council’s resolutions, which Tokyo considers unacceptable, Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga said Tuesday.
News ID: 10897    Publish Date : 2017/07/04

TEHRAN, June 30, YJC -Trials have begun in Japan for three former executives with the operator of the now-defunct Fukushima nuclear plant over alleged negligence in a 2011 nuclear disaster.
News ID: 10802    Publish Date : 2017/06/30

TEHRAN, June 9, YJC - Japan’s parliament on Friday passed a law allowing Emperor Akihito to abdicate, clearing the way for the first abdication by a Japanese monarch in nearly two centuries and the accession of his son, Crown Prince Naruhito, probably late next year.
News ID: 10294    Publish Date : 2017/06/09

TEHRAN, June 6, YJC - From massive burgers to giant pizzas, food contests are growing in popularity across the world. And this great piece of challenge is for competitive eaters out there.
News ID: 10248    Publish Date : 2017/06/06

TEHRAN, June 2, YJC - Japan’s naval and air forces have launched a three-day joint military drill with US aircraft carriers in the Sea of Japan amid tensions with North Korea over its missile and nuclear programs.
News ID: 10145    Publish Date : 2017/06/02

TEHRAN, May 29, YJC -North Korea has launched what is thought to be a short-range ballistic missile into the Sea of Japan.
News ID: 10024    Publish Date : 2017/05/29

TEHRAN, May 17, YJC - Dozens of Japanese citizens rallied in front of the Takahama Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) in the country's southwestern Fukui Prefecture to protest against the restarting of the NPP's reactor, local media reported Wednesday.
News ID: 9720    Publish Date : 2017/05/17