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Tags - japan
TEHRAN, February 23 - Japanese police arrested two men on Friday after several bullets were fired at the Tokyo headquarters of a group linked to North Korea, a spokesman and media said.
News ID: 19739    Publish Date : 2018/02/23

TEHRAN, February 22 - The Bank of Japan should consider buying foreign bonds as part of efforts to reflate the economy during Governor Haruhiko Kuroda’s second term at the central bank helm, an economic adviser to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said.
News ID: 19693    Publish Date : 2018/02/22

TEHRAN, February 20-Japan has picked the western city of Osaka to host next year’s G20 summit, the first such gathering to be held in Japan, a government source said.
News ID: 19617    Publish Date : 2018/02/20

TEHRAN, February 17 - Japan has okayed plans to let people choose to start drawing their state pensions beyond the age of 70 as it grapples with severe labor shortages, ballooning welfare costs and a shriveling tax base stemming from its graying population.
News ID: 19458    Publish Date : 2018/02/17

TEHRAN, February 14 -Japan’s economy posted its longest continuous expansion since the 1980s boom as fourth quarter growth was boosted by consumer spending, and moved Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s revival plan another step closer to vanquishing decades of stagnation.
News ID: 19320    Publish Date : 2018/02/14

TEHRAN, February 13 - Based on a contract signed on Monday, Japan is to run a joint project with Iran to decrease air pollution in the Iranian capital, Tehran.
News ID: 19259    Publish Date : 2018/02/13

TEHRAN, February 12 -Honda Motor Co Ltd (7267.T) will recall roughly 350,000 vehicles in China to resolve a cold-climate engine issue and quell a barrage of customer complaints that has hit the Japanese automaker over the past month.
News ID: 19231    Publish Date : 2018/02/12

TEHRAN, February 12 -Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe restated Tokyo’s opposition to revising a 2015 agreement on “comfort women” in talks with South Korean President Moon Jae-in on Friday, calling the deal a promise between nations and the basis of two-way ties.
News ID: 19230    Publish Date : 2018/02/12

TEHRAN, February 7 -U.S. Vice President Mike Pence visited a Japanese Patriot PAC-3 missile battery, Japan’s last line of defense against any possible North Korean missile strike, in Tokyo on Wednesday on his way to the Winter Olympics in South Korea.
News ID: 18974    Publish Date : 2018/02/07

TEHRAN, February 5 - A Japanese army Apache attack helicopter crashed in western Japan on Monday, killing one of two people on board and sparking a fire in a residential area near a school and a nursery, media said.
News ID: 18897    Publish Date : 2018/02/05

TEHRAN, February 2 - Japan’s financial regulator on Friday swooped on Coincheck Inc with surprise checks of its systems and said it had asked the Tokyo-based cryptocurrency exchange to fix flaws in its computer networks well before hackers stole $530 million of digital money last week.
News ID: 18705    Publish Date : 2018/02/02

TEHRAN, February 1 - A fire engulfed a group home for welfare recipients in northern Japan, killing 11 people and injuring three, police and fire officials said Thursday.
News ID: 18682    Publish Date : 2018/02/01

TEHRAN, January 31 - At times, separating trash between paper and plastic can be time-consuming. But it's nothing compared to the recycling efforts of residents in Kamikatsu, a small village in southwestern Japan.
News ID: 18664    Publish Date : 2018/01/31

TEHRAN, January 31 -Bank of Japan Governor Haruhiko Kuroda said on Wednesday companies offering cryptocurrency services must have ample security steps in place.
News ID: 18611    Publish Date : 2018/01/31

TEHRAN, January 29 - Japan’s financial regulator on Monday ordered Coincheck to get its act together after hackers stole $530 million worth of digital money from its exchange, jolting the nation’s cryptocurrency market in one of the biggest cyber heists.
News ID: 18516    Publish Date : 2018/01/29

TEHRAN, January 28 - China hopes to work with Japan to establish more cordial relations, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi told his Japanese counterpart on Sunday, aiming to move on from a series of disputes, some dating back to before World War Two.
News ID: 18510    Publish Date : 2018/01/28

TEHRAN, January 27 -The foreign ministers of China and Japan have met in the Chinese capital of Beijing, hoping to overcome historical and territorial disputes to improve ties.
News ID: 18469    Publish Date : 2018/01/28

TEHRAN, January 26 - Japan’s inflation in December continued to lag a strong economic revival, leaving the central bank in a dilemma on how to turn off crisis-era stimulus policies that even some of its own board members warn will start to hurt more than help if retained for too long.
News ID: 18375    Publish Date : 2018/01/26

TEHRAN, January 24 - Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said on Wednesday he would attend the Pyeongchang Olympics in South Korea next month, after reports he would not attend due to a dispute over "comfort women" forced to work in Japan's wartime military brothels.
News ID: 18336    Publish Date : 2018/01/24

TEHRAN, January 24 - A magnitude 6.3 earthquake has struck off Hokkaido, Japan Wednesday at a depth of 64km (40 miles). There are no immediate reports of injuries or damage.
News ID: 18325    Publish Date : 2018/01/24