Tags - japan

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Tags - japan
TEHRAN, March 25 - Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, his ratings in a slump amid a suspected cronyism scandal and cover-up, apologized again on Sunday for causing anxiety and loss of confidence in his government.
News ID: 20964    Publish Date : 2018/03/25

TEHRAN, March 19 - A court in northern Japan on Monday rejected a lawsuit to halt construction of a nuclear plant, said the company building the facility, Electric Power Development Co (J-Power).
News ID: 20781    Publish Date : 2018/03/19

TEHRAN, March 19 - There are restaurants in Japan that serve Halal food.
News ID: 20771    Publish Date : 2018/03/19

TEHRAN, March 17 - Former US President Barack Obama is embarking on a weeklong tour of Singapore, New Zealand, Australia and Japan.
News ID: 20721    Publish Date : 2018/03/17

TEHRAN, March 15 -Figuring out who is to blame in a widening political scandal that threatens Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is being complicated by a practice known as “sontaku”, which loosely translates as “following unspoken orders”.
News ID: 20599    Publish Date : 2018/03/15

TEHRAN, March 14 - Japan’s prime minister Shinzo Abe is considering a meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un in an apparent change of strategy in dealing with Pyongyang.
News ID: 20571    Publish Date : 2018/03/14

TEHRAN, March 14 - Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has made some lasting changes to bolster the power of the premier’s office, but his political longevity is mainly due to strong allies, weak enemies and good luck - a hat trick successors may find hard to emulate.
News ID: 20524    Publish Date : 2018/03/14

TEHRAN, March 13 -Japan will urge its G20 counterparts at a meeting next week to beef up efforts to prevent cryptocurrencies from being used for money laundering, a government official with direct knowledge of the matter said.
News ID: 20465    Publish Date : 2018/03/13

TEHRAN, March 12 -The name of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s wife was removed from documents regarding a suspected cronyism scandal, media said on Monday, as pressure mounted on the premier and his ally Finance Minister Taro Aso over a possible cover-up.
News ID: 20416    Publish Date : 2018/03/12

TEHRAN, March 11 -The European Union and Japan urged the United States on Saturday to grant them exemptions from metal import tariffs, with Tokyo calling for “calm-headed behavior” in a dispute that threatens to spiral into a trade war.
News ID: 20380    Publish Date : 2018/03/11

TEHRAN, March 10 - The EU and Japan held crunch talks with their US counterparts in Brussels on Saturday, hoping to get "clarity" on President Donald Trump's controversial new steel and aluminum tariffs.
News ID: 20372    Publish Date : 2018/03/10

TEHRAN, March 10 - Japan will not lift any Iranian crude oil this month which will also see Iran’s exports fall to the lowest level in two years, unconfirmed reports said.
News ID: 20366    Publish Date : 2018/03/10

TEHRAN, March 10 - Japan will not lift any Iranian crude oil this month which will also see Iran’s exports fall to the lowest level in two years, unconfirmed reports say.
News ID: 20357    Publish Date : 2018/03/10

TEHRAN, March 9 - A Japanese court has sentenced a Peruvian man to hang for killing six people over three days near Tokyo.
News ID: 20316    Publish Date : 2018/03/09

TEHRAN, March 8 -Japan’s economy expanded more than initially estimated in the last quarter of 2017, thanks to an upward revision of capital expenditure and inventory data, confirming the longest run of growth in 28 years.
News ID: 20280    Publish Date : 2018/03/08

TEHRAN, March 4 - Japan once again reiterated its support for Iran’s 2015 nuclear deal with P5+1.
News ID: 20137    Publish Date : 2018/03/04

TEHRAN, March 4 - Ali Akbar Velayati, a Senior Advisor to Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, and Japanese Senior Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs Takeo Mori discussed bilateral ties as they met in Tehran.
News ID: 20136    Publish Date : 2018/03/04

TEHRAN, February 27 - The Japanese government will contribute more than $5 million in aid to UNICEF to help rebuild schools damaged by the 3-year-long ISIS conflict.
News ID: 19932    Publish Date : 2018/02/27

TEHRAN, February 24 - Japan supports Washington's decision to impose another round of sanctions on North Korea over Pyongyang's ongoing development of nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles, Kentaro Sonoura, the adviser of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said Saturday.
News ID: 19803    Publish Date : 2018/02/24

Japanese regulators considered data from a first late-stage trial in making their decision. Xofluza, which was developed in 2015, is the first drug to be approved through the fast-track review system, the Nikkei Asian Review reported.
News ID: 19769    Publish Date : 2018/02/24