Tags - missile

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Tags - missile
Amid ongoing US and Israeli attempts to portray Iran as an “aggressive” party, Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif reaffirms that the Islamic Republic’s missile s are a mere means of defending the nation against enemy threats.
News ID: 7828    Publish Date : 2017/02/20

North Korea has reportedly fired a ballistic missile , triggering a sharp reaction from South Korea, which detected and reported the launch.
News ID: 7690    Publish Date : 2017/02/12

Iranian lawmakers issued a statement reiterating that boosting defense power of the country is ‘unavoidable necessity’ for Iran’s national security.
News ID: 7554    Publish Date : 2017/02/01

Iran reiterated that making remarks on its missile tests are beyond qualification of any country or international organization.
News ID: 7526    Publish Date : 2017/01/31

Iran’s large-scale air defense drills have entered their final stage in the country’s southern belt, with the enlisted forces deploying missile defense systems against mock hostile aircraft as per schedule, Press TV reports.
News ID: 6901    Publish Date : 2016/12/28

SEOUL - Russian Ambassador to South Korea Alexander Timonin has expressed his country's opposition to the possible deployment of an anti-ballistic missile system in South Korea, according to an interview with the Russian envoy published by a Seoul daily on Wednesday.
News ID: 6592    Publish Date : 2015/03/18

Tehran, YJC. Iranian armed forces on Sunday launched a newly developed ground cruise missile called Sumar.
News ID: 6549    Publish Date : 2015/03/08

TEHRAN (FNA)- Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps Major General Mohammad Ali Jafari underlined that the entire Palestinian territories occupied by Israel can be targeted by the missile s of resistance forces in the region.
News ID: 6531    Publish Date : 2015/03/07

Tehran, YJC. IRGC official says that a new “strategic” weapon the forces used during a recent war game is powerful enough to cause concern for the US.
News ID: 6503    Publish Date : 2015/03/03

Tehran, YJC. Iran's deputy FM emphasized that the issues related to Iran’s defense and missile capabilities are not negotiable and will comprise no topic for nuclear talks.
News ID: 6212    Publish Date : 2015/02/03

NEW DELHI, Jan 31, 2015 (AFP) - India on Saturday succeeded for the first time in using a mobile launcher to test-fire a long-range missile capable of delivering a nuclear warhead deep inside rival China.
News ID: 6164    Publish Date : 2015/01/31

Tehran, YJC. As a series of large-scale military drills in south and southeast of Iran continued for the 5th day, Iran launches two cruise radar-evading missile s targeting naval objects launched from a coast-to-sea missile system.
News ID: 5871    Publish Date : 2014/12/29

Tehran, YJC. Dehqan says Iran is the world’s fourth missile power.
News ID: 5791    Publish Date : 2014/12/20

Tehran, YJC. Senior advisor to Leader of the Islamc Republic of Iran Ali Khamenei has rebuffed any negotiations over the country’s defensive missile capabilities.
News ID: 5745    Publish Date : 2014/12/15

Tehran, YJC. Military commander says Iran has made missile s that intimidate enemies.
News ID: 5728    Publish Date : 2014/12/13

Tehran, YJC. Secretary of Supreme National Security Council Ali Shamkhani says Iran's missile range is in proportion to threats posed against the country.
News ID: 5621    Publish Date : 2014/11/30

Tehran, YJC. Former war minister says was it not for developments in the country’s missile power, Western powers would not have considered holding negotiations with Iran.
News ID: 5502    Publish Date : 2014/11/15

Tehran, YJC. IRGC Aerospace Commander Haji Zadeh says Iran’s military has improved from when it had to buy weapons from Libya to the present when it builds missile factories in Syria.
News ID: 5471    Publish Date : 2014/11/11

Tehran, YJC. Iran’s Defense Ministry industrial section has developed 3 units for the production of radar systems.
News ID: 5314    Publish Date : 2014/10/19

Tehran, YJC. Iranian nuclear negotiator says Iran and the 5+1 have yet so much to arrive at a common point.
News ID: 4944    Publish Date : 2014/08/31