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Tags - people
TEHRAN, Jul 6 - The mistreatment of undocumented migrants by the administration of US President Donald Trump is part of a general policy deeply ingrained in the American establishment, an American political analyst and writer says.
News ID: 41616    Publish Date : 2019/07/06

TEHRAN, Jul 6 -US President Donald Trump says he may issue an executive order to proceed in his administration’s effort to add a contentious citizenship question to the 2020 census.
News ID: 41615    Publish Date : 2019/07/06

TEHRAN, Jul 5 - Hong Kong Protests: Hunt on the “wrong side” of the issue The war of words between China and Britain over Hong Kong has escalated as Beijing's ambassador to the United Kingdom urged Britain to stay out of Chinese affairs. But apparently the UK, and above all Jeremy Hunt, doesn’t seem willing to allow the Chinese to manage their own affairs. It is not the first time Britain interferes in Hong Kong. In September 2018, releasing its 43rd six-monthly report on the region, the British government warned of “growing concerns” with respect to freedom of speech in Hong Kong, particularly in relation to discussions of the controversial notion of Hong Kong gaining independence.
News ID: 41612    Publish Date : 2019/07/05

TEHRAN, Jul 5 - Central American immigrants are fleeing “the hell” that the United States created for them in their countries, according to Myles Hoenig, an American political analyst and activist.
News ID: 41592    Publish Date : 2019/07/05

TEHRAN, Jul 4 -The Russian envoy to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) says Iran accepted to limit the amount of its low-enriched uranium only as a voluntary step, adding that the UN nuclear agency does not enforce any limitations on the volume of the product that the Islamic Republic can keep.
News ID: 41587    Publish Date : 2019/07/04

TEHRAN, Jul 4 - The rapid expansion of the prison population in the United States over the past four-decades may have helped fuel America’s deadly drug epidemic, a new study suggests.
News ID: 41584    Publish Date : 2019/07/04

TEHRAN, Jul 3 - Sudan's main opposition alliance has agreed to hold direct talks with the ruling military council after a call from African Union and Ethiopian mediators to resume the stalled negotiations.
News ID: 41524    Publish Date : 2019/07/03

TEHRAN, Jul 3 - A large group of protesters have gathered in front of the United Nations offices in the Iranian capital to demand the immediate release of top Nigerian Muslim cleric Sheikh Ibrahim Zakzaky, who is still being kept in government prisons despite suffering from major health issues.
News ID: 41520    Publish Date : 2019/07/03

TEHRAN, Jul 2 -Every US president “lies to the American public, and often with disastrous results,” according to Myles Hoenig, an American political analyst and activist.
News ID: 41477    Publish Date : 2019/07/03

Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) says it has disbanded a team of terrorists in the country’s northwestern province of West Azarbaijan, killing two of its members.
News ID: 41474    Publish Date : 2019/07/02

TEHRAN, Jul 2 -Russia takes serious issue with Israeli military aggression against Syria, a day after Israeli strikes claim four lives in the Arab country.
News ID: 41473    Publish Date : 2019/07/02

TEHRAN, Jul 2 -Thousands of Catalan protesters gathered in front of the European Parliament in Strasbourg on Tuesday (July 2) to demand that their elected leaders be allowed to take their seats after they were blocked from collecting their MEP credentials.
News ID: 41471    Publish Date : 2019/07/02

TEHRAN, Jul 2 -President Bashar al-Assad says Syria fully supports the the Iranian nation and the Islamic establishment against all threats and acts, which contravene international law and regulations.
News ID: 41470    Publish Date : 2019/07/02

TEHRAN, Jul 1 -Members of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) have agreed to extend cuts to their supply of oil to the international markets for another nine months as they seek more stable prices amid an increase in oil production in the United States and tensions created in the market as result of Washington’s political and economic tensions with other countries.
News ID: 41438    Publish Date : 2019/07/01

TEHRAN, Jul 1 -Reviewing the British media past few days you’d be forgiven if you thought that Britain still controlled Hong Kong. Apart from the excessive coverage dedicated to the protests in the Chinese region, there is a distinct patronising tone in the way the British media are reporting on the issue.
News ID: 41433    Publish Date : 2019/07/01

TEHRAN, Jul 1 -Lebanese President Michel Aoun says security will be restored in the country’s southern province of Mount Lebanon, a day after two bodyguards of the minister of state for refugee affairs lost their lives and another sustained critical wounds when gunmen opened fire on his convoy and triggered armed clashes.
News ID: 41432    Publish Date : 2019/07/01

TEHRAN, Jul 1 -The United States recorded 18 new measles cases last week, taking the total for the year to 1,095 in the worst outbreak since 1992, federal health officials said on Monday.
News ID: 41431    Publish Date : 2019/07/01

TEHRAN, July 1 - The Iranian government has accorded residency status to foreign investors as it seeks to cope with the impacts of sanctions that have affected the country’s oil-driven revenues.
News ID: 41392    Publish Date : 2019/07/01

TEHRAN, Jun 30 -Police on Sunday dispersed hundreds of anti-government marchers in Kinshasa and a protester was shot dead in the eastern city of Goma after President Felix Tshisekedi — the son of opposition icon Etienne Tshisekedi — warned against "confusing democracy with anarchy."
News ID: 41389    Publish Date : 2019/06/30

TEHRAN, Jun 30 -Temperatures at or above 100 degrees will create dangers for more adults, children and animals across parts of the United States in the days leading up to Independence Day.
News ID: 41354    Publish Date : 2019/06/30