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Tags - people
TEHRAN, Feb 19 - Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan has called for dialog with India to ease tensions that were triggered days after a bomb attack claimed the lives of over 40 paramilitary troops in the disputed region of Kashmir.
News ID: 35657    Publish Date : 2019/02/19

TEHRAN, Feb 19 - Morocco’s Justice and Development Party has condemned attempts by a number of Arab states and Persian Gulf kingdoms to normalize diplomatic relations with the Israeli regime, describing them as “dwarfs who will be hurled into the dustbin of history.”
News ID: 35656    Publish Date : 2019/02/19

TEHRAN, Feb 19 - A pilot was killed when two Indian Air Force jets collided mid-air and crashed in the southern city of Bengaluru during rehearsals for the Aero India show.
News ID: 35654    Publish Date : 2019/02/19

TEHRAN, Feb 18 -A number of dissident Saudi prisoners have begun an open-ended hunger strike in protest at their mistreatment by prison authorities as a crackdown led by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman against rights campaigners and intellectuals widens in the conservative oil-rich kingdom.
News ID: 35600    Publish Date : 2019/02/18

TEHRAN, Feb 18 -Two Nigerian soldiers have been killed and six others injured when Boko Haram militants attacked a military post near the Cameroon border, security sources say, days before rescheduled presidential elections.
News ID: 35598    Publish Date : 2019/02/18

TEHRAN, Feb 17 - US Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein had openly discussed removing President Donald Trump from power in 2017, according to former FBI director Andrew McCabe.
News ID: 35558    Publish Date : 2019/02/18

TEHRAN, Feb 17 -The poisoning case of former Russian double agent Sergei Skripal in Britain has come to an interesting point as unknown people fly a huge Russia flag in the city where the controversial attack took place last year.
News ID: 35557    Publish Date : 2019/02/18

TEHRAN, Feb 17 - A new wave of protests is to hit the United States for Presidents Day against Donald Trump’s decision to declare national emergency to get the money for his border wall.
News ID: 35556    Publish Date : 2019/02/18

TEHRAN, Feb 17 - Israeli forces have forcibly evicted a Palestinian family from their home in the Old City of the Israeli-occupied Jerusalem al-Quds, where they had lived for several generations.
News ID: 35555    Publish Date : 2019/02/18

TEHRAN, Feb 17 - The US-led coalition purportedly fighting the Daesh Takfiri terrorist group has airlifted to safe sanctuaries several large boxes full of “spoils” that members of the foreign-sponsored terror outfit had claimed in Syria’s eastern provinces of Hasakah and Dayr al-Zawr as well as neighboring Iraq.
News ID: 35554    Publish Date : 2019/02/18

TEHRAN, Feb 17 - US Vice President Mike Pence has repeated warnings to Turkey against purchasing of Russia’s S-400 missile defense systems, arguing that doing so puts other members of the NATO military alliance in danger.
News ID: 35553    Publish Date : 2019/02/18

TEHRAN, Feb 17 - Five civilians were killed in fighting between government troops and Boko Haram militants in northeastern Nigeria, locals and civilian militia said Sunday.
News ID: 35552    Publish Date : 2019/02/18

TEHRAN, Feb 17 - Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has inaugurated a new domestically-built submarine armed with cruise missiles in line with the Islamic Republic's move to boost its defense power.
News ID: 35551    Publish Date : 2019/02/18

TEHRAN, Feb 16 -European security sources have confirmed that a third Russian national has been identified by investigators in Britain as a suspect in a case related to the poisoning of a former Russian spy in southern England last year.
News ID: 35503    Publish Date : 2019/02/16

TEHRAN, Feb 16 -The secretary general of the Lebanese Hezbollah resistance movement says a recent US-organized conference in the Polish capital Warsaw was an attempt in vain to suffocate the Palestinian cause and isolate Iran.
News ID: 35502    Publish Date : 2019/02/16

TEHRAN, Feb 16 -Russia says it is ready for talks to keep in place arms-control treaties with Washington, despite a recent decision by the administration of US President Donald Trump to withdraw from one such agreement.
News ID: 35501    Publish Date : 2019/02/16

TEHRAN, Feb 16 -A senior economist at the Bank of England (BoE) says Britain has lost £40 billion a year since Britons voted to leave the European Union in a June 2016 EU referendum.
News ID: 35500    Publish Date : 2019/02/16

TEHRAN, Feb 16 -Iran has lashed out at US Vice President Mike Pence for accusing the Islamic Republic of Nazi-like anti-Semitism, saying such "absurd" allegations originating from a grudge and anger would fail to have any impact on Iranian Muslims' opinion of Jews inside and outside the country.
News ID: 35499    Publish Date : 2019/02/16

TEHRAN, Feb 16 -hinese authorities have cancelled planned trade talks with Britain’s Chancellor of Exchequer Philip Hammond over London’s plan to send an aircraft carrier to the disputed South China Sea.
News ID: 35498    Publish Date : 2019/02/16

TEHRAN, Feb 16 -Egyptian security forces have “eliminated” at least seven suspected members of a terror outfit affiliated to the Daesh Takfiri terrorist group in the restive North Sinai region during a counterterrorism operation, which also left 15 government forces either killed or wounded.
News ID: 35497    Publish Date : 2019/02/16