Moroccan Islamic party denounces Arab attempts to normalize ties with Israel

Young journalists club

News ID: 35656
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 20:48 - 19 February 2019
TEHRAN, Feb 19 - Morocco’s Justice and Development Party has condemned attempts by a number of Arab states and Persian Gulf kingdoms to normalize diplomatic relations with the Israeli regime, describing them as “dwarfs who will be hurled into the dustbin of history.”

Moroccan Islamic party denounces Arab attempts to normalize ties with IsraelTEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) -“The people who normalize relations with the Zionist entity are dwarfs controlled by America and the Zionist entity. They cannot escape their destiny in the dustbin of history,” Naziha Maarij, a leader of the Islamic party, said in an exclusive interview with the Palestinian Arabic-language Shehab news agency.

“The people of Morocco have a neighborhood in occupied [Jerusalem] al-Quds, which they will not abandon. It is a neighborhood that has included Moroccan religious scholars, mosques, and ancient history,” she added.

The Moroccan politician further noted, “Normalization with the usurping Israeli Occupation amounts to a haram (religiously forbidden) act, because it amounts to conspiracy against the fighters who have offered everything to guard our faith and our sanctities.

Source: Press TV

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