Tags - brexit

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Tags - brexit
TEHRAN, February 2 - Brexit will go ahead even if the Government’s own analysis shows it will make Britain poorer, British Prime Minister Theresa May suggested.
News ID: 18727    Publish Date : 2018/02/02

TEHRAN, February 1 - EU citizens who arrive during the post-Brexit transition period will not have the same rights as those who came before, British Prime Minister Theresa May has said.
News ID: 18676    Publish Date : 2018/02/01

TEHRAN, January 28 - The US president says the British Prime Minister Theresa May should employ a more decisive approach in handling the ongoing Brexit talks with the EU.
News ID: 18504    Publish Date : 2018/01/28

TEHRAN, January 25 - David Cameron has been caught telling a steel tycoon that Brexit is not the “disaster” he expected. Unaware he was being filmed, the ex-PM also said that leaving the EU had “turned out less badly than we first thought.”
News ID: 18355    Publish Date : 2018/01/25

TEHRAN, December 11 - Prime Minister Theresa May said there is a new sense of optimism about negotiations over Britain's departure from the European Union, insisting that a preliminary deal has given fresh impetus to the talks.
News ID: 16735    Publish Date : 2017/12/11

TEHRAN, December 5 -Nicola Sturgeon, the leader of Scotland’s devolved government, said the failure by Prime Minister Theresa May to secure a Brexit deal on Monday could signal the moment for opponents to push to keep Britain in the single market and customs union.
News ID: 16516    Publish Date : 2017/12/05

TEHRAN, November 29 -The UK and EU have reportedly reached an agreement on the terms of Brexit financial settlement, a report says.
News ID: 16289    Publish Date : 2017/11/29

TEHRAN, October 31 - The British government said Tuesday it expects to have hired up to 8,000 new staff by next year as it steps up preparations for leaving the European Union -- with or without an exit agreement.
News ID: 15001    Publish Date : 2017/10/31

TEHRAN, October 21 - A former UK deputy prime minister, who has been a vocal critic of leaving the European Union, says he still has friends in the Conservative Party of Prime Minister Theresa May who back his idea of killing Brexit.
News ID: 14468    Publish Date : 2017/10/21

TEHRAN, October 20 - European Council President Donald Tusk said reports of a deadlock over Brexit negotiations may have been exaggerated.
News ID: 14424    Publish Date : 2017/10/20

TEHRAN, October 13 - Britain needs to prepare for the possibility that no agreement will be reached with the EU on a Brexit deal, british Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson said on Thursday.
News ID: 14124    Publish Date : 2017/10/13

TEHRAN, October 13- Cabinet minister Andrea Leadsom said MPs' proposed changes are being reviewed by officials
News ID: 14106    Publish Date : 2017/10/13

TEHRAN, October 1- British Prime Minister Theresa May says that the government will need some changes if it cannot reach a deal with the European Union over Brexit.
News ID: 13506    Publish Date : 2017/10/01

TEHRAN, September 28 - Progress on EU priorities in the first four rounds of talks with the UK has not been sufficient, says Parliament’s draft resolution
News ID: 13404    Publish Date : 2017/09/28

TEHRAN, September 27 - British Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn will voice his party’s readiness to govern and to take over the job of negotiating Brexit.
News ID: 13332    Publish Date : 2017/09/27

TEHRAN, September 26 - The 4th round of formal negotiations over Britain’s exit from the European Union has begun in Brussels. As our correspondent Jerome Hughes reports both sides have yet to resolve their differences on a number of outstanding issues such as citizens' rights, the Irish border and Britain's separation payment to the EU.
News ID: 13275    Publish Date : 2017/09/26

TEHRAN, August 28 - Nearly one million highly qualified European Union nationals working in Britain are planning to leave the country following last year’s Brexit referendum, a new study has found.
News ID: 12507    Publish Date : 2017/08/28

TEHRAN, August 28 - UK officials have headed to the Belgian capital of Brussels to resume negotiations with European Union (EU)
News ID: 12489    Publish Date : 2017/08/28

The United Kingdom will call on the European Union to help focus the third round of Brexit talks on future relations rather than on a divorce agreement.
News ID: 12455    Publish Date : 2017/08/27

TEHRAN, August 20 -Britain’s Brexit Minister David Davis has urged the European Union to shift the focus of Brexit negotiations away from the terms of divorce and onto their future trade relationship.
News ID: 12235    Publish Date : 2017/08/20