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Tags - brexit
TEHRAN, March 22 - European Union leaders will on Friday offer Britain a Brexit transition deal, the summit chair Donald Tusk said - but the deal will only be finalized if London honors its commitments on the Irish border and Gibraltar.
News ID: 20890    Publish Date : 2018/03/22

TEHRAN, March 19 - Britain and the European Union on Monday reached a landmark deal on a transition phase that will see London follow the bloc's rules for nearly two years after the Brexit divorce.
News ID: 20809    Publish Date : 2018/03/19

TEHRAN, March 14 - Issues surrounding devolution of power in Britain have been reignited by Brexit, with London and the regional parliaments arguing over who has what authority in the different nations that make up the United Kingdom.
News ID: 20560    Publish Date : 2018/03/14

TEHRAN, March 13 - Britain's economy will grow slightly more than expected this year, finance minister Philip Hammond said Tuesday, but is expected to slow thereafter ahead of the country's EU divorce.
News ID: 20505    Publish Date : 2018/03/13

TEHRAN, March 8 - EU Council President Donald Tusk warned Thursday that the problems of the Irish border must be resolved before talks on Brexit proceed further with Britain.
News ID: 20304    Publish Date : 2018/03/08

TEHRAN, March 1 - British Prime Minister Theresa May will set out her vision for an "ambitious economic partnership" with the European Union on Friday, which her team of ministers agreed would be a "real step forward" in talks with the bloc, her spokesman said on Thursday.
News ID: 20047    Publish Date : 2018/03/01

TEHRAN, February 28 - Concerned that time is fast running out, the European Union moved Wednesday to force Britain's hand in Brexit negotiations by publishing a draft text that distils into legal language what they have — and even what they have not — agreed so far about Britain's departure.
News ID: 20005    Publish Date : 2018/02/28

TEHRAN, February 28 - The issue of Northern Ireland’s border with the Republic of Ireland is being used to try and keep Britain in a customs union with the European Union and frustrate Brexit, Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson said on Wednesday.
News ID: 19984    Publish Date : 2018/02/28

TEHRAN, February 28 - The issue of Northern Ireland’s border with the Republic of Ireland is being used to try and keep Britain in a customs union with the European Union and frustrate Brexit, Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson said on Wednesday.
News ID: 19976    Publish Date : 2018/02/28

TEHRAN, February 27 - The European Union's chief Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier said on Tuesday talks between London and the bloc were not advanced enough to guarantee that Britain would get a transition agreement for after it leaves.
News ID: 19939    Publish Date : 2018/02/27

TEHRAN, February 27 - Scotland’s first minister said on Tuesday that the devolved Scottish parliament would not consent to legislation necessary to keep Britain’s Brexit plans on track, presenting another thorny issue for the government to surmount.
News ID: 19934    Publish Date : 2018/02/27

TEHRAN, February 21 -British Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn says his party will campaign to keep the United Kingdom inside a customs union with the European Union (EU) after Brexit, describing the move as necessary for trade and the prevention of a hard border in Northern Ireland.
News ID: 19649    Publish Date : 2018/02/21

TEHRAN, February 17 - UK Prime Minister Theresa May has called for a new security partnership with the European Union that should be in place by next year to ensure military, intelligence and counter-terrorism cooperation after Britain exits the EU in 2019.
News ID: 19469    Publish Date : 2018/02/17

TEHRAN, February 14 - Britain should make a clean break with European Union laws and regulations after it leaves the bloc, Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson said Wednesday, arguing that the U.K. will prosper after Brexit by "going global."
News ID: 19359    Publish Date : 2018/02/14

TEHRAN, February 14 - Boris Johnson is talking “total nonsense” by claiming EU chiefs wants to turn the bloc into superstate, the President of the European Commission has said.
News ID: 19344    Publish Date : 2018/02/14

TEHRAN, February 12 - If UK Prime Minister Theresa May allows Brexit to be watered down or halted by supporters of European Union membership, then Britain will be thrust into the gravest constitutional crisis since World War Two, Brexit campaigner Nigel Farage said.
News ID: 19244    Publish Date : 2018/02/12

TEHRAN, February 11 - A new study shows that the British economy will suffer a £252bn hit if the UK leaves the European Union without a deal.
News ID: 19151    Publish Date : 2018/02/11

TEHRAN, February 8 - The European Commission has defended a plan to impose sanctions on Britain during the Brexit transition period if the UK engages in “foul play” against EU wishes.
News ID: 19056    Publish Date : 2018/02/08

TEHRAN, February 6 -Britain’s pending divorce from the European Union (EU) Is already taking its toll on the country’s armed forces, warns a leading British military specialist.
News ID: 18927    Publish Date : 2018/02/06

TEHRAN, February 5 - Britain’s Interior Minister says the British government's main aim is to maintain “frictionless trade” with the European Union, be free to strike trade deals with other nations and avoid a hard border with Ireland.
News ID: 18838    Publish Date : 2018/02/05