Tags - palestine

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Tags - palestine
TEHRAN, Jul 24 - Secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council (SNSC) Ali Shamkhani deplored the US government’s so-called “deal of the century” plan as “impractical” and said such “fake” plans for the Palestinian issue will never yield results.
News ID: 42321    Publish Date : 2019/07/24

TEHRAN, Jul 23 -Lebanon’s resistance movement Hezbollah has condemned as a “war crime” the Israeli regime’s demolition of Palestinian homes on the outskirts of the occupied East Jerusalem al-Quds, saying such demolitions are the outcome of anti-Palestine plots hatched by the US and its Arab allies.
News ID: 42285    Publish Date : 2019/07/23

TEHRAN, Jul 22 - Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has hailed the Palestinian people’s “stunning resistance”, saying it heralds a “definite” victory against Israel.
News ID: 42254    Publish Date : 2019/07/22

TEHRAN, Jul 22 - Iran’s foreign minister slams the US administration’s “desperate attempts” to impose its pro-Israel “peace” plan on Palestine, saying any initiative that would ignore the rights of the Palestinian nation in favor of the occupying Tel Aviv regime is doomed to failure.
News ID: 42238    Publish Date : 2019/07/22

TEHRAN, Jun 27 -Palestinian protesters have poured into streets in the West Bank and Gaza enclave to condemn the US-backed “deal of the century” confab in Bahrain, rejecting US President Donald Trump’s so-called Middle East peace plan.
News ID: 41221    Publish Date : 2019/06/27

TEHRAN, Jun 23 -Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas once again rejects as “a humiliating blackmail” US President Donald Trump’s upcoming deal on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict hours after Washington released details about the economic aspect of the highly-controversial plan.
News ID: 41035    Publish Date : 2019/06/23

TEHRAN, Jun 18 - Secretary-General of the Arab League Ahmed Aboul Gheit warned that any attempt to settle the Israel-Palestine conflict without considering the establishment of a Palestinian state on all territories occupied by the regime in the 1967 Middle East war will be in vain.
News ID: 40816    Publish Date : 2019/06/18

TEHRAN, Jun 17 - 'The deal of the century', only seeks to meet the interests of the Zionists in the Middle East and aims to establish Israel’s occupations' policies, Iran's Intelligence Minister told Hamas officials.
News ID: 40763    Publish Date : 2019/06/17

TEHRAN, Jun 15 - The Zionist regime’s forces attacked Palestinians taking part in anti-occupation protests near the fence separating the besieged Gaza Strip from the occupied territories, wounding 49 civilians.
News ID: 40699    Publish Date : 2019/06/15

TEHRAN, Jun 13 - Israeli warplanes have struck Palestinian resistance forces’ positions in southern areas of Gaza strip.
News ID: 40632    Publish Date : 2019/06/13

TEHRAN, Jun 7 - Iran has strongly condemned a recent terrorist attack in Egypt’s northern Sinai peninsula, saying such strikes are aimed at diverting attention from the Muslim world’s topmost priority that is Palestine.
News ID: 40472    Publish Date : 2019/06/07

TEHRAN, Jun 5 -Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei says an upcoming US-devised deal on the Palestine issue is doomed to fail and will “never materialize.”
News ID: 40413    Publish Date : 2019/06/05

TEHRAN, Jun 1 - Iranian Foreign Minister said that the window of negotiation with Persian Gulf countries is still opened.
News ID: 40176    Publish Date : 2019/06/01

TEHRAN, Jun 1 - Under the title of “No to the Deal of the Century”, a massive rally was held Friday in Damascus to mark the International al-Quds (Jerusalem) Day.
News ID: 40165    Publish Date : 2019/06/01

TEHRAN, Jun 1 - On the International Al-Quds Day, people in New York gathered to express solidarity with Palestinian who are suffering at the hands of a Zionist regime.
News ID: 40155    Publish Date : 2019/06/01

TEHRAN, Jun 1 - The secretary general of Lebanon's Hezbollah resistance movement has warned that a war against Iran would not stop at the Islamic Republic's borders, and its flames will engulf the entire Middle East region.
News ID: 40153    Publish Date : 2019/06/01

TEHRAN, May 31 -Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has criticized some Arab rulers for siding with the Israel regime on the status of Jerusalem al-Quds, saying the holy occupied Palestinian city is not up for sale.
News ID: 40148    Publish Date : 2019/06/01

TEHRAN, May 31 - Tens of thousands of Palestinians congregated in Jerusalem al-Quds around Masjid ul-Aqsa to say their Friday prayer on Quds Day, despite the presence of Israeli regime troops.
News ID: 40145    Publish Date : 2019/05/31

TEHRAN, May 31 - A source at Foreign and Expatriates Ministry said on Friday that the occasion of the International al-Quds (Jerusalem) Day is marked this year amidst the continuous US-Zionist conspiracy particularly after the US President’s acknowledgment of Jerusalem as Capital of the occupying entity and the declaration of annexing Golan to the entity.
News ID: 40131    Publish Date : 2019/05/31

TEHRAN, May 31 - Millions of Iranians are marking the International Quds Day in the country to condemn a Middle East plan touted by US President Donald Trump as the "deal of the century".
News ID: 40130    Publish Date : 2019/05/31