Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammd-Javad Zarif said unity of Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA) is a good opportunity for cooperation and progress.

"The Islamic Republic of Iran enjoys extensive potential for promoting marine cooperation and multi-dimensional interactions in IORA comparing to other regional and global markets,” he said at IORA summit in Jakarta on Tuesday.
He further touched on the strategic position of Chabahar Port, southern Iran, for connecting Indian Ocean and Persian Gulf, west and central Asia and Caucasus and Europe, and said the port is a short and secure path to connect east to the west and north to the south.
Zarif continued that marine security and safety is one of IORA’s priorities, as calling for more focus on boosting security and safety as well as preventing pollution in seas.
Elsewhere in his remarks, Zarif appreciated issuing a joint communiqué by the association’s member states on confronting violent extremism which leads to terrorism.
IORA includes 21 member states from Asia, Africa and Oceania as well as 7 non-regional countries.