535,391 MT of commodities worth over $267 million were traded in the Iranian Mercantile Exchange (IME) over the first week of February with trading volume and value experienced respectively 19% and 8% growth.

According to the report from the IME International Affairs, on the domestic and export metal and mineral trading floor of the IME, 270,259 MT of various products worth close to $118 million were traded, declaring a significant growth in trading steel and aluminum on this trading floor compared to the tally last week.
On this trading floor, 161,369 MT of steel products, 105,000 MT of iron ore, 2,570 MT of copper, 1,100 MT of aluminum, 120 MT of molybdenum concentrates, 100 MT of coke and 8 kg of gold bullion were traded.
Based on the report, on domestic and export oil and petrochemical trading floors of the IME, 235,795 MT of different commodities with the total value of $135 million were traded, declaring a significant growth in trading polymer and polymer products, insulation, sulfur and lube cut oil on this trading floor compared to the last week.
On this trading floor, more than 67,996 MT of bitumen, 58,913 MT of polymer products, 61,500 MT of VB feed stock as well as 20,500 MT of lube-cut oil, 24,131 MT of chemical products, 2,330 MT of sulfur, 415 MT of insulation and 10 MT of argon were traded.
Moreover, on the agricultural trading floor of the IME, 25,507 MT of various commodities worth over $13.4 million were traded.
On this trading floor, 8,882 MT of maize, 6,000 MT of wheat, 3,125 MT of sugar, 300 MT of meals and 7,200 MT of crude vegetable oil were traded by the customers.
It is worth noting that during the last week the side market of th eIME witnessed trading of 3,830 MT of day old chicks, used locomotive oil, metal scrap and phosphate concentrate.