Ministry of Intelligence: An International Drug and Ammunition Smuggling Gang Dismantled

Young journalists club

News ID: 49660
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 18:57 - 06 December 2020
Sunday, 06 December 2020 (YJC) _ The Ministry of Intelligence announced an international drug and ammunition smuggling gang is identified and dismantled in the country.

Ministry of Intelligence: An International Drug and Ammunition Smuggling Gang DismantledIn a statement on Sunday, The Ministry of Intelligence announced an international drug and ammunition smuggling gang is identified and dismantled in the country.

According to the statement “Intelligence forces identified and dismantled an international drug and ammunition smuggling gang in two separate operations in West Azerbaijan Province.”

“The ringleader along with 3 other key gang members were arrested and 520 kilograms of heroin were seized during the operations,” the statement added.

The Intelligence Forces also identified large depots of weapons and ammunition in border villages of West Azerbaijan Province.

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