Amano: EBWs in no disagreement with industrial applications

Young journalists club

News ID: 4863
Publish Date: 14:14 - 18 August 2014
Tehran, YJC. IAEA chief has said shown favorable regards toward Iran using exploding-bridgewire detonators.

The IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano who had made a one-day trip to Tehran on Sunday after meeting Iran’s Head of Atomic Energy Organization attended a joint press review.

He described his trip as short but useful and added "I was very glad to hear from the highest levels a firm commitment to the implementation of the Framework for Cooperation, and to resolve all present and past issues through dialogue and cooperation with the IAEA.”

"Iran has provided information and explanations to the Agency on Iran's decision, in early 2000, to develop safer detonators. Iran has also provided information and explanations to the Agency on its work post-2007 related to the application of EBW's in the oil and gas industry which is not inconsistent with specialized industry practices,” the IAEA Director General stated.

During a meeting on May 20 the two sides had reviewed the progress that had been made on the seven practical measures that had been agreed on February 9, including Iran providing information on exploding bridge wire (EBW) detonators, Press TV reports.

He added that the agency would review all past outstanding issues, including EBWs, and assess them in an integrated system as a whole.

Amano emphasized that the IAEA would remain committed to working with Iran through the implementation of the "Framework for Cooperation”.

amano ، iaea ، ebw ، nuclear
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