We the people: How racism grew under Trump

Young journalists club

News ID: 42536
Publish Date: 20:06 - 29 July 2019
TEHRAN, Jul 29 - Trump’s back and forth attacks against congresswomen referred to as “the squad” has attracted the attention of voters across the country as races heat up in the Democratic field ahead of the 2020 presidential election.

We the people: How racism grew under TrumpTEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) - “Racist” has become an everyday term used in reference to US President Donald Trump, who engaged in a feud with four progressive congresswomen earlier this month.
After the president told Democratic Representatives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, Rashida Tlaib of Michigan and Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts to “go back" where they came from, his supporters are taking the issue farther to a place where Trump and his inner circle would not want.
In one of his tweets earlier this month, he told the progressive lawmakers — American citizens, three natively born and one a refugee — to “go back” to the “crime infested” countries they’d come from.
His critics, meanwhile, maintain that the New York billionaire is taking the chance to sow discord and hate among Americans even more and take advantage of it at the 2020 vote. No wonder that a Trump supporter even went as far as suggesting that Ocasio-Cortez should be shot.
Soon after the “go back” comments were released, the president supporters turned it into a chant, shouting “Send her back!” in reference to the Somali born Democrat, Ilhan Omar. Trump appeared no to support the chant at the North Carolina 2020 reelection campaign, an idea highlighted by Vice President Mike Pence later, claiming that Trump’s stance was “clear.”
Those messages sparked national outrage and prompted the House to pass a resolution.
Georgia State Rep. Erica Thomas has also joined the Squad in complaining that she is also a victim of racism. Thomas specifically seeks justice after being verbally assaulted in the grocery store by a white man before her nine-year old-son. The feud between Trump and Democrats continues as racism and hate reach their peak in the recent history of the United States.
On Saturday, the response to Trump’s attack on Representative Elijah Cummings, yet another lawmaker of color, was much the same. The president went on a twitter tirade, accusing Cummings, chairman of the House Oversight Committee, of doing such a “poor job” that his district in Baltimore, Maryland has become a "disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess."
 House Speaker Nancy Pelosi tweeted in response that “We all reject racist attacks against him and support his steadfast leadership.”
The president has been defending his stance towards the lawmakers, asserting that he would pursue his crackdown even if it amounts to bad politics.
Trump on several occasions have made xenophobic, Islamophobic and racist remarks since taking office in 2016.
The Republican head of state's foreign policy has also been a total disaster.
US pursuing Iranophobia campaign and Trump’s lies about Iran
The Trump administration has been at loggerheads with Iran as it continues its ”maximum pressure” campaign by persisting  what Tehran refers to as “economic terrorism” against the Iranian nation.
The president has also claimed that the US downed an Iranian drone, while Tehran says all of its drones are accounted for and have returned to their bases after conducting their missions in the Persian Gulf.
Trump’s announcement about shooting down the drone has raised questions about how much he is kept in the dark or misguided by the country’s intelligence community.
Source: Press TV

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