UK court exonerates jailed fracking activists

Young journalists club

News ID: 30341
Publish Date: 23:51 - 17 October 2018
TEHRAN, October 17 -A British court has quashed jail sentences given to three activists over their protest to a controversial fracking operation in Lancashire, in northwest England.

UK court exonerates jailed fracking activistsTEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) -A court of appeal ruled on Wednesday that the prison sentences handed down to Simon Blevins, 26, Richard Roberts, 36, and Rich Loizou, 31, over their attempt to stop the fracking operation in Preston New Road, near Blackpool, were “manifestly excessive”.

The three activists climbed up trucks carrying equipment for Cuadrilla, an energy company focused on shale gas, from reaching the operation site. They had been convicted of causing a public nuisance.

Fracking is the extraction of oil and gas through hydraulic methods and under immense pressure which many believe could inflict irreparable damage to the environment by causing earthquakes and contaminating water resources.

The British government has ignored calls for halting fracking in Preston New Road, allowing Cuadrilla to go on with the operation in the area.

Scientists and environment campaigners have accused the government of imitating the policies of US President Donald Trump in disrespecting the evidences against climate change.  

Britain’s high court on Friday rejected an injunction meant to stop the operation in Preston New Road. However, people have camped outside the operation side, saying they will continue with their protest. They said the operation may have obtained the legal authorization, but it clearly lacked the social license in Britain.

In its Wednesday hearing, the court of appeal ruled that Blevins, Roberts and Loizou should be freed immediately from the prison, saying the jail sentences against them were inappropriate. The activists then walked out of the jail in Preston to cheers of dozens of supporters and environment activists.

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