EU offers to extend Brexit transition as leaders meet

Young journalists club

News ID: 30307
Publish Date: 11:20 - 17 October 2018
TEHRAN, October 17 - The European Union is ready to extend Brexit's post-divorce transition period by a year to allow more time to find a trade deal, diplomats said Wednesday ahead of a difficult summit.

EU offers to extend Brexit transition as leaders meetTEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) - Prime Minister Theresa may is due in Brussels later in the day to address the other 27 EU leaders on the stalled negotiations towards a divorce deal to bring Britain out of the Union.

Talks are at an impasse over the issue of a legal backstop to keep the border between Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic open after the UK leaves the bloc on march 29 -- but EU negotiator Michel Barnier has an idea.

According to two European diplomats, Barnier is ready to add a year to the 21-month post Brexit transition period -- taking it to the end of 2021 -- to provide more space to strike a trade deal.

This offer would not in itself resolve the back-stop issue, which must be settled in the Brexit treaty that must be ratified before March to avoid a damaging "no deal" scenarios.

But the extension would grant more time to agree a new EU-UK trade relationship and avoid the need for separate plans for Northern Ireland, which London staunchly opposes.

The diplomats said that Barnier had revealed his offer to EU ministers at a meeting in Luxembourg on Wednesday.

With the offer on the table, Europe is seeking to put pressure on May to come to Brussels with ideas of her own.

"I am going to ask Prime Minister May whether she has concrete proposals on how to break the impasse," EU president Donald Tusk declared.

But May, hemmed in by opponents in her own party and even in her own cabinet, has no such proposals.

Source: AFP


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