TEHRAN, October 8 - 30 Nigerian soldiers shot dead after being ambushed by Boko Haram

TEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) - Over 30 soldiers of the Nigerian Army (NA) were shot dead after jihadist insurgents in the northern countryside of the embattled country concluded a succesful ambush on Friday afternoon.
Deploying land mines, technicals and machine-gun fire at close range, militants loyal to the outlawed Boko Haram (ISIS franchise) caught government soldiers completely off-guard in what ended up being a de facto massacre.
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The photos were released by Amaq Agency, considered to be the Islamic State’s primary media outlet. The ISIS-tied outlet did however not specify where exactly the above ambush took place.
Boko Haram, a jihadist group which has pledged allegiance to ISIS leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, has been deadlocked in clashes with a UN-backed coalition of African states (Nigeria, Cameroon, Chad and Niger) that was formed in March 2015.
Boko Haram has outlived other militant groups in northern Nigeria, and has built a presence in neighbouring states where it has carried out attacks and has recruited fighters.
It has a force of thousands of men – CIA officials have estimated around 9,000 – and cells that specialise in bombings. Through its raids on military bases and banks, it has gained control of vast amounts of weapons and money.
Source: AMN