Tehran, YJC. Qarazi says that what he believes in in foreign policy is not negotiations with the US, but interaction with it.

Mohammd Qarazi appeared on the national TV on Saturday
evening to discuss his views for administering the country.
Regarding the foreign policy and the way he would handle
relations with the US, Qarazi said "We are a peace-loving country. Even the Americans
say that this nation has not fought anyone for 250 years.”
He added "The US used to hold sway on this country. There was
an administration called the Mosaddeq administration. At that time there were
two great people side by side, Mosaddeq and Kashani. As long as these two are
together, the US cannot do a damn thing. Once they are separated, Mosaddeq will
hold talks with the US and then the US will plot a coup against him.”
He asserted that he believes in interaction with the US
rather than negotiation. He said "The US came down to seize Afghanistan and
Iraq to surround us, after all the ‘Neither East, Nor West’ saying is fatal to
them. I’d say negotiations, never, but interaction with deeds. We support Syria
and the US strongly opposes the Syrian government. So we can interact with the
US on this.”
"We didn’t commit any
wrong. We didn’t violate the law. They say you’re going to make nukes in the
future, but it is wrong. When Iraq bombed Dezful I visited Imam Khomeini and
said ‘If you’d allow we will bomb Basra. He said no, these are our Muslim brothers.
So I tell the US we will never hold talks, we will interact. The Iranian nation
will not resort to appeasement.”