TEHRAN, August 28, YJC – Spread of various forms of terrorism with various purposes and especially promotion of the Takfiri terrorists, has caused many security threats for many countries and the international community.

TEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) - Iran, as a victim of terrorism, is waging a relentless and all-out war against terrorism in order to help realize the idea of a world without terror and violence.
A very brief glance back into the history of international relations would be enough to demonstrate that terrorism, among other challenges faced by the world, constitutes the single, most significant and major threat to global peace and security.
Over years, terrorism, by using different methods and means, has been victimizing people and governments to achieve the political, security, ideological, and even economic goals of some groups and even political regimes, while by creating many bloody scenes, it has spread terror across the world.
Terrorism has sometimes been used as an approach by some parties, while it has been used as a last resort and tool by others to stay in power.
To attract global attention and stay in the spotlight or show power and make demands, terrorists resort to violence and some governments and politicians tend to be among sponsors of violent terrorism.
Recent years have seen the ground increasingly ripe for the rise of the armed extremist terrorists taking root in Syria and Iraq and supported by some governments in the region. These terrorists captured large swath of lands in Iraq and Syria to set up a self-proclaimed state and establish themselves as the harbingers of global terrorism.
The establishment of Daesh, al-Qaeda, Nusra Front, Ahrar al-Sham … resulted in the massacre of hundreds of thousands in Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan and displacement of millions of people.
The Takfiri terrorists also capitalized on the Internet and social networks to promote their cause globally and reach out for every corner of the globe. The outcome: an array of terrorist activities and attacks that have overwhelmed regions as far as Europe and even the United nations.
Countries from Southeast Asia to the West, faced with insecurity and instability, have thus joined forces to contain Daesh (ISIS) and coalitions have been formed in the name of fighting terrorism.
The United States, that remain to play an important role in promoting terrorist groups in the region as they are vital in guaranteeing its regional interests, has a very vague and questionable record as far as the so-called anti-terrorist US-led coalition is concerned.
Many observers are of the view that in recent years the US jet fighters have repeatedly targeted anti-Daesh forces in Syria and Iraq, while providing logistic and intelligence support for the Takfiris.
This is while there is another anti-terrorist front in the region, the Resistance Axis, waging a real war against the violent extremist terrorists and it has managed to recapture many regions already under terrorist rule and cleanse large areas of terrorist elements.
Now, Raqqa, Daesh's self-proclaimed capital in Syria, is under siege and the Iraqi Army, police and People's Mobilization Forces (PMF) are on the verge of retaking Tal Afar, Daesh's last bastion in Iraq.
The all-out support provided by Iran for Baghdad and Damascus, despite the propaganda campaign launched by Western and Arab countries' propagandist announcements, and the strong presence of Iran military advisors both in Syria and Iraq, have played a significant role in defeating the terrorists.
The Islamic Republic of Iran, in the Middle East region which is overwhelmed by tensions and increasing terrorism threats, has been waging a relentless war to counter extremism and end terrorism in the region and the country is in the forefront of the fight to uproot terrorism.
Iran has been quite successful in mobilizing all the resources, including popular forces, in order to contain and destroy terrorists, especially in Iraq and Syria.
Iran has also relied on an active diplomacy to continue its fight against violence and extremism in the region and the world, and has closely cooperated with countries like Russia that follow the same goal.
Despite sharing different interests and goals compared to some regional and trans-regional countries in the fight against terrorism, as well as following a different roadmap to achieve that end, Iran has tried hard to rely on commonalities and urge the need for fostering cooperation to put an end to terrorism.
One of the results of such an approach by Iran is well- demonstrated in the ceasefire the country managed to establish in a large part of Syria with the help of Turkey and Russia.
Based on the same framework, Iran, pursuing a policy of engagement with the world, has tried to create a network of nations by allying neighbors and regional countries to cooperate among themselves to uproot the TafKfiri terrorists.
Presently, While Iran is the most secure country in the region, it is on the frontline of fighting terrorism and its ideological sources.
Source: ISNA