TEHRAN, August 21 - A painting of Mohsen Hojaji, an Iranian soldier who was killed by ISIS terrorists in Syria a few weeks ago, was unveiled during a ceremony at Tehran’s Art Bureau on Sunday

TEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) - Created by the young artist Hassan Ruholamin, the painting depicts Hojaji moments before he was brutally beheaded.
The painting was unveiled during a press conference that the new director of Art Bureau’s Visual Arts Office, Masud Shojai-Tabatabai, organized to brief the media about his programs.
Several more paintings on Hojaji will also be unveiled during in the near future, Shojai-Tabatabai said.
He also announced his plan to produce documentaries about 40 revolutionary Iranian artists in the future.
Photo: This painting of Mohsen Hojaji by Hassan Ruholamin was unveiled at the Art Bureau in Tehran on August 20, 2017. (Mehr/Mahmud Rahimi)
Source: TehranTimes