Iran’s Shamkhani warns of US recent adventures in Syria

Young journalists club

News ID: 10756
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 15:34 - 28 June 2017
TEHRAN, June 28, YJC - Secretary of Iranian Supreme National Security Council Ali Shamkhani warned of US recent moves in Syria, saying that, “Raising unfounded claims against Syria one more time is continuation of US scenario to cover up continuous failures of terrorism front and its confrontation against decisive advancements of Syrian Army.”

Iran’s Shamkhani warns of US recent adventures in SyriaTEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) - “If the US administration is honest about its claims, it should provide the OPCW inspectors with the relating information so that it should be verified honestly through Syrian government cooperation.”

He also referred to US illegal aggression into Syrian soil, targeting Shayrat airfield under the excuse of Syrian use of chemical weapons, saying that, “Iran and Russia have called for sending international fact-finding delegation to investigate claims raised by the US.

However, the US stopped this process to prevent finding that the allegations have been unfounded.”

Shamkhani continued that the US adventures mean playing with fire and it is violating principles of international law and Syrian territorial integrity.


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