Tags - erdogan

Young journalists club

Tags - erdogan
Tehran, YJC. Former Turk diplomats believe that Erdoğan’s insistence on attack on Syria has met failure against the Russian plan and the Justice and Development Party is at a dead end.
News ID: 2130    Publish Date : 2013/09/15

Turkey's ambassador is due to return to Egypt on Wednesday after he was recalled last month over the bloody crackdown on supporters of the country's ousted Islamist president, a foreign ministry diplomat said.
News ID: 2053    Publish Date : 2013/09/04

Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan said on Friday that any international military intervention against Syria should be aimed at overthrowing the President Bashar al-Assad from power.
News ID: 2022    Publish Date : 2013/08/31

Tehran, YJC. -- Erdogan critized the White House of its negative reaction towards his statements regarding Israel.
News ID: 1968    Publish Date : 2013/08/25

Tehran, YJC. The president has stressed Iran’s willingness to expand relations with Turkey.
News ID: 1830    Publish Date : 2013/08/07

Tehran, YJC. Turk activist believes that the West has started a new game with Morsi which it is to continue with Erdoğan.
News ID: 1609    Publish Date : 2013/07/10

Tehran, YJC. -- Hundreds of Macedonia's Turkish minority gathered on Friday in a show of support for Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan over ongoing Istanbul protests.
News ID: 1367    Publish Date : 2013/06/15