Tags - winner

Young journalists club

Tags - winner
TEHRAN, May 14 -Britain risks following the rise in inequality seen in the United States which could weaken democracy, a Nobel Prize-winning economist said on Tuesday at the launch of a major review into differences in income, education and health.
News ID: 39315    Publish Date : 2019/05/14

TEHRAN, May 08 - Thailand's Election Commission has announced the final results of the March 24 general election, which leave no party with an absolute majority.
News ID: 39047    Publish Date : 2019/05/08

TEHRAN, January 18 -American news channel CNN is the uncontested winner of the much-anticipated “Fake News Awards” put together by US President Donald Trump, topping the list of US news outlets with 4 out of the 11 "fake news" stories cited.
News ID: 18072    Publish Date : 2018/01/18

TEHRAN, May 20, YJC - Hassan Rouhani has won Iran’s 12th presidential election, receiving a popular mandate for another four years in presidential office.
News ID: 9779    Publish Date : 2017/05/20