Tags - turkey

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Tags - turkey
TEHRAN, December 28 - The Syrian army has entered Manbij near the Turkish border, marking the return of territories held by US-backed militants to the government fold for the first time in years, an army spokesman said Friday.
News ID: 33400    Publish Date : 2018/12/28

TEHRAN, December 25 - Turkey says it is determined to continue its “fight” against terrorism, stressing that Ankara does not need any “permission” from the Israeli regime to fight terror.
News ID: 33327    Publish Date : 2018/12/25

TEHRAN, December 25 - Turkey has warned France against supporting US-backed People's Protection Units (YPG) in northern Syria, in the wake of US President Donald Trump’s decision last week to withdraw American troops from the war-ravaged Arab country.
News ID: 33324    Publish Date : 2018/12/25

TEHRAN, December 24 - Turkey says it is working with other countries to carry the investigation into the murder of Jamal Khashoggi to the United Nations, more than two months after the dissident Saudi journalist was gruesomely murdered inside the Arab kingdom’s consulate in Istanbul.
News ID: 33278    Publish Date : 2018/12/24

TEHRAN, December 23 - With the interception of an arm shipment containing Turkish-made weapons on Tuesday in Libya's Koms port, the two country kicked off a joint investigation into the mysterious issue.
News ID: 33185    Publish Date : 2018/12/23

TEHRAN, December 21 - Ankara welcomes the US decision to withdraw its troops from Syria, Turkish foreign minister said on Friday.
News ID: 33133    Publish Date : 2018/12/21

TEHRAN, December 21 - The relations between Iran and Turkey are so strong that no outsider could harm them, President of Iran Hassan Rouhani said.
News ID: 33122    Publish Date : 2018/12/21

TEHRAN, December 20 - Turkey's president has again criticized U.S. sanctions on Iran and vowed to continue to cooperate with Tehran.
News ID: 33107    Publish Date : 2018/12/20

TEHRAN, December 20 - Iran and Turkey have agreed to step up their economic cooperation with the aim of reaching a $30-billion target set for their annual trade, voicing concern over the re-imposition by the US of unilateral sanctions against the Islamic Republic, a move which could affect the entire region's economy.
News ID: 33104    Publish Date : 2018/12/20

TEHRAN, December 20 - Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has officially welcomed his Iranian counterpart, Hassan Rouhani, who is in Ankara for two days of high-level talks on a wide range of issues, particularly bilateral economic ties.
News ID: 33099    Publish Date : 2018/12/20

TEHRAN, December 20 - Heading a high-ranking political and economic delegation, the Iranian president has travelled to the neighboring country at the invitation of his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan to attend the fifth round of Iran-Turkey high council of strategic cooperation.
News ID: 33094    Publish Date : 2018/12/20

TEHRAN, December 20 -The State Department has approved a possible Foreign Military Sale to Turkey of Patriot surface-to-air and ballistic missile defense missiles.
News ID: 33083    Publish Date : 2018/12/20

TEHRAN, December 19 - The Islamic Republic of Iran, Russia and Turkey have agreed to step up efforts aimed at convening the first session of a UN-sponsored Syrian Constitutional Committee early next year in a bid to begin a viable peace process to the country's seven-year-old conflict.
News ID: 33058    Publish Date : 2018/12/19

TEHRAN, December 19 - Iran, Russia and Turkey agreed to step up efforts aimed at convening the first session of a UN-sponsored Syrian constitutional committee early next year in a bid to begin a viable peace process to end the country's seven-year-old conflict.
News ID: 33050    Publish Date : 2018/12/19

TEHRAN, December 18 - The Arab League has strongly condemned Turkey's repeated airstrikes against the purported positions of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) militant group in Iraq's northern semi-autonomous Kurdistan region, stressing that “such actions are in violation of the Iraqi state’s sovereignty.”
News ID: 33019    Publish Date : 2018/12/18

TEHRAN, December 18 - Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said he hoped to reach an agreement on Tuesday with Russia and Turkey on the composition of a new constitutional committee in Syria.
News ID: 33009    Publish Date : 2018/12/18

TEHRAN, December 18 - Iran, Russia, and Turkey are close to agreement on composition of a Syrian constitutional committee that could pave the way for drafting a new charter followed by elections, diplomats said on Monday.
News ID: 32997    Publish Date : 2018/12/18

TEHRAN, December 18 - Iran’s president will take a visit to Turkey’s Ankara to attend the fifth session of Iran-Turkey Strategic Relation Supreme Council.
News ID: 32992    Publish Date : 2018/12/18

TEHRAN, December 16 -Turkey says President Donald Trump of the United States has told President Recep Tayyip Erdogan that Washington is working on extraditing the US-based Turkish dissident Fethullah Gulen, whom Ankara accuses of having masterminded the July 2016 coup attempt against the Turkish leader.
News ID: 32914    Publish Date : 2018/12/16

TEHRAN, December 16 -Turkish warplanes have struck PKK targets in northern Iraq, ignoring protests from Baghdad which says Turkey's repeated airstrikes violate Iraqi sovereignty and endanger civilians.
News ID: 32896    Publish Date : 2018/12/16