Tags - tax bill

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Tags - tax bill
TEHRAN, November 19 - Jordanian lawmakers approved an IMF-backed income tax bill after amendments to a controversial draft of the proposed law that sparked a week of angry protests in summer.
News ID: 31706    Publish Date : 2018/11/19

TEHRAN, November 29 - U.S. Senate Republicans rammed forward President Donald Trump’s tax-cut bill on Tuesday in an abrupt, partisan committee vote that set up a full vote by the Senate as soon as Thursday, although some details of the measure remained unsettled.
News ID: 16279    Publish Date : 2017/11/29

TEHRAN, November 8 -The U.S. House of Representatives’ tax panel continued debating amendments on Tuesday to a tax bill offered by congressional Republicans and President Donald Trump.
News ID: 15383    Publish Date : 2017/11/08

TEHRAN, November 4 -U.S. President Donald Trump is pushing Republicans to change their tax-cut bill to include a repeal of the Obamacare mandate that requires individuals to buy health insurance or pay a fine, the House of Representative’s top tax lawmaker said on Friday.
News ID: 15193    Publish Date : 2017/11/04