Monday, 23 August 2021 (YJC)_A government probe has been launched after officials in New South Wales, Australia, shot and killed shelter dogs that were due to be rescued by volunteers – allegedly in an effort to prevent the volunteers spreading Covid-19.
TEHRAN, August 8- A die-off of several prairie dog colonies from plague near Denver has prompted conservation advocates to insist the chubby ground squirrels get a bad rap and don't spread the flea-borne disease.
TEHRAN, Jul 4 -For dogs stuck on the middle rungs of their social ladder, life is especially tough. Dogs in the middle of the pack -- not top dog, not the runt -- tend to behave more aggressively toward one another.
TEHRAN, Feb 27 -"Exposure to obedience classes was associated with more positive personality traits across the dog's lifespan," researcher William Chopik said.
TEHRAN, Jan 14- To better understand how the earliest dogs hunted, scientists scanned and analyzed the skulls of lions, wolves and hyenas. The research showed the earliest known dog species, Hesperocyon gregarius, likely pounced on its prey, just like foxes and coyotes.
TEHRAN, October 30 -Iranian environmentalists have mobilized to protect the world’s last Asiatic cheetahs, estimated to number just 50 and faced with the threats of becoming roadkill, a shortage of prey and farmers’ dogs