Tags - venezuela

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Tags - venezuela
TEHRAN, Apr 14 - Works to restore Venezuela's electricity system may take up to a year, the country's Electricity Minister Igor Gavidia told Venezolana de Television TV channel on Monday.
News ID: 37868    Publish Date : 2019/04/14

TEHRAN, Apr 11 - The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) said on Thursday it has reached agreement with the Venezuelan government of Nicolas Maduro to expand aid operations, supporting hospitals and health centres in providing vital medical care.
News ID: 37748    Publish Date : 2019/04/11

TEHRAN, Apr 11 - Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif’s assistant and Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza held talks on a range of issues, including the political crisis that has engulfed the Latin American country.
News ID: 37742    Publish Date : 2019/04/11

TEHRAN, Apr 11 - Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has denounced as “arrogant” US Vice President Mike Pence for calling on the UN Security Council to recognize opposition leader Juan Guaido as the new president of the Latin American state.
News ID: 37735    Publish Date : 2019/04/11

TEHRAN, Apr 10 -A new blackout across large parts of Venezuela, including the capital, Caracas, forced many to spend another night in the dark on Tuesday, AFP and accounts published on social media said.
News ID: 37699    Publish Date : 2019/04/10

TEHRAN, Apr 09 - Iran’s second largest airline, Mahan Air, has launched direct flights to the Venezuelan capital Caracas, marking a further strengthening of bilateral ties as the US tightens sanctions screws on both countries.
News ID: 37649    Publish Date : 2019/04/09

TEHRAN, Apr 07 - An Iranian delegation will depart for Venezuela on Sunday night to hold talks with senior officials on the Latin American country’s current tumultuous political situation.
News ID: 37529    Publish Date : 2019/04/07

TEHRAN, Apr 06 - The United States on Friday announced sanctions on ships of Venezuela's state oil company and companies that link it to key ally Cuba, hoping to cut off vital lifelines for President Nicolas Maduro.
News ID: 37489    Publish Date : 2019/04/06

TEHRAN, Apr 04 -Venezuela's Deputy Foreign Minister Ivan Gil says he does not rule out the possibility of more Russian military personnel arriving in his country based on agreements already reached between Caracas and Moscow.
News ID: 37426    Publish Date : 2019/04/04

TEHRAN, Apr 04 - The United States administration and Congress are working to increase pressure on the government of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro by introducing new sanctions and enticing Venezuelan officials to defect to an opposition figure.
News ID: 37421    Publish Date : 2019/04/04

TEHRAN, Apr 04 - Syria's foreign minister said Thursday that the Trump administration "lies" all the time about withdrawing its troops from the country, and that its decision to recognize Israeli sovereignty over the occupied Golan Heights increases America's isolation, "even among its closest allies."
News ID: 37416    Publish Date : 2019/04/04

TEHRAN, Apr 04 - The United States administration and Congress are working to increase pressure on the government of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro by introducing new sanctions and enticing Venezuelan officials to defect to an opposition figure.
News ID: 37408    Publish Date : 2019/04/04

TEHRAN, Apr 04 - Venezuela's deputy foreign minister Ivan Gil said on Thursday he does not rule out that more Russian military personnel may arrive in Venezuela under agreements already concluded with Russia, Interfax news agency reported.
News ID: 37400    Publish Date : 2019/04/04

TEHRAN, Apr 04 - European Union governments condemned on Thursday a measure by Venezuela's Constituent Assembly that allows for the trial of opposition leader Juan Guaido, considered by many Western nations as the de facto head of state.
News ID: 37399    Publish Date : 2019/04/04

TEHRAN, Apr 02 - Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro replaced his electricity minister on Monday in a move to address a series of blackouts plaguing the country, while opposition leader Juan Guaido called on supporters to continue taking to the streets.
News ID: 37322    Publish Date : 2019/04/02

TEHRAN, Apr 02 - Venezuela's chief justice on Monday asked lawmakers to strip opposition leader Juan Guaido of immunity, taking a step toward prosecuting him for alleged crimes as he seeks to oust President Nicolas Maduro.
News ID: 37313    Publish Date : 2019/04/02

TEHRAN, Mar31-Supporters of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro and US-backed opposition figure Juan Guaido have staged rivaling rallies, as the ongoing power struggle in the Latin American country puts the United States on a collision course with Russia and China.
News ID: 37275    Publish Date : 2019/03/31

TEHRAN, Mar30-Russia has clearly stated the purpose of the “specialists” it has sent to Venezuela under a military cooperation deal, Russian foreign ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Saturday, dismissing U.S. concerns about their presence.
News ID: 37255    Publish Date : 2019/03/30

TEHRAN, Mar 27 -Satellite images released by an Israel-based organization allegedly show a Russian-made S-300 air defense missile system deployed to an airbase in Venezuela.
News ID: 37207    Publish Date : 2019/03/29

TEHRAN, Mar 27 -Russia said on Thursday it had sent “specialists” to Venezuela under a military cooperation deal but said they posed no threat to regional stability, brushing aside a call from U.S. President Donald Trump to remove all military personnel from the country.
News ID: 37191    Publish Date : 2019/03/28