Tags - theater

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Tags - theater
TEHRAN, Feb 19 - Pakistan accused India on Tuesday of sponsoring terrorism and of using the United Nations' highest court for "political theater " as it urged judges to dismiss an Indian case seeking to save an alleged spy from execution.
News ID: 35641    Publish Date : 2019/02/19

TEHRAN, December 24 - Asian stocks were subdued on Monday as investors fretted that political instability in the United States was leaving the country rudderless at a time when the global economy was showing signs of faltering.
News ID: 33236    Publish Date : 2018/12/24

TEHRAN, September 13 - The 12th Mariwan International Street Theater Festival has come to an end, with carnivals of Iranian and international artists marking the closing ceremony of the artistic event in the downtown of the Iranian Kurdish city.
News ID: 12919    Publish Date : 2017/09/13

TEHRAN, YJC. The mentally underdevelopeds' theater festival is held in Golestan province. Here Samuel Becket's "Waiting for Godot" is being played.
News ID: 5873    Publish Date : 2014/12/29

TEHRAN, YJC. "Tamashakhaneh Tehran" is a theater in Tehran dating back to the late Qajar dynasty. It has been but a silent show for a few decades now.
News ID: 3627    Publish Date : 2014/03/05

TEHRAN, YJC. Hadi Qozat's "The Sound of Music", an adaptation of Richard Rodger's 1959 musical, is on stage in Vahdat Theater under the name 'Ashkha va Labkhandha' (literally meaning tears and smiles).
News ID: 2309    Publish Date : 2013/10/03

Tehran, YJC. The novel was a success both in Mexico and abroad, as well as the film which one two Ariel Awards. Now Ebrahim Poshtkoohi has taken the story on stage and it seems likely to turn into a success here as well.
News ID: 1697    Publish Date : 2013/07/20