Tags - warming

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Tags - warming
TEHRAN, oct 13_As temperatures rise, vulnerable species, including insects like moths, move to higher elevations. While chasing moth species up the mountains of Borneo's national parks, scientists from the University of York realized the insects were also getting smaller.
News ID: 43930    Publish Date : 2019/10/13

TEHRAN, August 6 -Throughout Earth's history, volcanic eruptions have periodically cooled Earth. Though most eruptions aren't big enough to influence global climate patterns, especially large eruptions can have a global impact.
News ID: 42769    Publish Date : 2019/08/06

TEHRAN, Jun 18 -New research suggests larger marine invertebrates are more vulnerable to environmental changes than smaller invertebrates and fish.
News ID: 40822    Publish Date : 2019/06/18

TEHRAN, Mar 13 -Extreme temperatures can have a deadly effect on a person's heart, new research shows.
News ID: 36764    Publish Date : 2019/03/13

TEHRAN, Jan 23 -"Just as weather forecasts became a regular operational activity in the 20th century, we are now approaching a similar point for near-term climate predictions," said researcher Adam Scaife.
News ID: 34455    Publish Date : 2019/01/23

TEHRAN, December 02 -Thousands of people marched on Sunday in Brussels urging the Belgian government to respect its commitments on countering climate change as a United Nations conference on keeping global warming in check begins in Poland.
News ID: 32312    Publish Date : 2018/12/02

TEHRAN, October 13 - "The profile of the last interglacial that emerges is one of enhanced century-scale climate instability, with implications for ice-sheet and ocean dynamics," said researcher Andrea Taschetto.
News ID: 30120    Publish Date : 2018/10/13

TEHRAN, July 24 -As global climate change sees warming temperatures, seasonal shifts and extreme weather alter habitats, many species are being pushed from their historical range. But new research suggests some vulnerable species may be able to seek refuge in microclimates -- small pockets of wilderness featuring cooler temperatures and variable conditions.
News ID: 26430    Publish Date : 2018/07/24

TEHRAN, June 19 - An Israeli delegation is reportedly due to travel to Bahrain later this month for a UNESCO event in Manama. The visit is likely to trigger a fresh public outcry against the Al Khalifah regime’s warming relations with Tel Aviv.
News ID: 24612    Publish Date : 2018/06/19

NEW DELHI, Feb 22, 2015 (AFP) - The United Nations' top climate change official will not chair a key meeting in Kenya next week as Indian police investigate a sexual harassment complaint against him, officials said Sunday.
News ID: 6395    Publish Date : 2015/02/22