TEHRAN, May 29, YJC - Britain’s domestic counter-intelligence agency (MI5) has launched an inquiry into how it missed warnings from the public about the threat posed by the man behind the Manchester terrorist attack.
LONDON (AP) _ In a rare public speech, Britain's top domestic spy chief Thursday called the Paris attack "a terrible reminder'' that some "wish us harm'' and said the evolving terror threat has become more complex because of events in Syria.
British intelligence services, including MI5, secretly spied on a number of prominent academics with socialist leanings “for decades,” including Oxbridge dons Christopher Hill and Eric Hobsbawm, secret files disclosed on Friday show.
TEHRAN, YJC.-- A former member of the British domestic spy agency, MI5, says Iraq “has been wrecked by the western intervention”, stressing the claims of taking democracy to Iraq were “flagrant hypocrisy” from the very onset.