Tags - water

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Tags - water
TEHRAN, December 30-As populations in arid and semi-arid regions grow, additional pressure is placed on already stressed water resources. In hopes of easing the pressure, some scientists are looking to nature for new and sustainable water -collecting strategies.
News ID: 33469    Publish Date : 2018/12/30

TEHRAN, December 05 -Using a new technique for measuring the deuterium to hydrogen isotopic ratio on faraway planetary bodies, researchers were able to characterize the water found on and around Saturn and its satellites.
News ID: 32475    Publish Date : 2018/12/05

TEHRAN, July 07 - Fresh water has been piped into the southern Iranian cities of Abadan and Khorramshahr, which had been grappling with a bout of shortage.
News ID: 25586    Publish Date : 2018/07/07

TEHRAN, June 27 -The dollar held steady against a basket of currencies on Wednesday, its earlier bounce from two-week lows flagging amid lingering trade conflict concerns.
News ID: 25034    Publish Date : 2018/06/27

TEHRAN, June 26 -For over half a century, island-state Singapore has been getting half its fresh water from northern neighbor Malaysia - a deal that could be up for review as the new prime minister in Kuala Lumpur seeks to cut down on the country’s ballooning debt.
News ID: 24983    Publish Date : 2018/06/26

TEHRAN, June 24 -"Most of the melting happens as the water rises up Tracy's face," said Josh Willis of NASA.
News ID: 24864    Publish Date : 2018/06/24

TEHRAN, June 14 - Environmental groups sued the Trump administration on Wednesday challenging moves they say weaken protections for rivers, wetlands and other water ways.
News ID: 24343    Publish Date : 2018/06/14

TEHRAN, May 7 - Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said Afghanistan has pledged to let Iran have its share of water from the Hirmand River and the supply for feeding Hamoon wetlands.
News ID: 22556    Publish Date : 2018/05/07

TEHRAN, February 21 - A tough water -saving regime and the generosity of farmers have given South Africa’s main tourist hub welcome respite from a severe drought and helped push back a dreaded “Day Zero” when Cape Town’s taps are expected to run dry.
News ID: 19677    Publish Date : 2018/02/21

TEHRAN, February 3 - Day Zero" is approaching as South Africa's showcase city of Cape Town prepares to turn off most water taps amid the worst drought in a century. Tensions among the four million residents are highlighting a class divide in a country with one of the world's highest rates of inequality.
News ID: 18778    Publish Date : 2018/02/03

TEHRAN, January 23 - Some major Iranian cities are facing water rationing and other mandatory restrictions if the worst dry spell in more than 50 years persists.
News ID: 18278    Publish Date : 2018/01/23

TEHRAN, November 30 - The Bangladesh Navy praised the Iranian Navy’s efforts to provide security for merchant ships and oil tankers sailing in international water s.
News ID: 16338    Publish Date : 2017/11/30

TEHRAN, November 7 - The Supreme Court of Papua New Guinea (PNG) is to decide whether essential services such as power and water should be restored to an Australian-run immigration center.
News ID: 15337    Publish Date : 2017/11/07

TEHRAN, October 31 -The German national railway provider has courted widespread controversy over its plan to name a new generation passenger train after the famous diarist Anne Frank. A Holocaust victim, Frank was taken to the Auschwitz extermination camp by train.
News ID: 14982    Publish Date : 2017/10/31

TEHRAN, May 16, YJC - Iranian Deputy Minister of Energy for International Affairs Alireza Daemi said that the ministry has obtained self-sufficiency over 95 percent in water and electricity production.
News ID: 9670    Publish Date : 2017/05/16

TEHRAN, April 9, YJC - Iran and the Netherlands are going to expand bilateral cooperation in water management.
News ID: 8774    Publish Date : 2017/04/09

Daesh terrorists have cut off water supply to dozens of liberated areas in Mosul to keep civilians under control as the Iraqi army and allied fighters renew their push to expel the extremists out of their last urban stronghold.
News ID: 7174    Publish Date : 2017/01/10

Authorities in the Syrian capital Damascus say they have been forced to cut water supplies to the city for a couple of days after terrorists contaminated the drinking water with diesel.
News ID: 6789    Publish Date : 2016/12/24

Tehran, YJC. Iran's minister of energy has said that due to scanty preciptitaion this year the country's water reservoirs behind dams has lessened 3.4 percent.
News ID: 6373    Publish Date : 2015/02/19

TEHRAN, YJC. Zayanderud water s after long drought which worried many.
News ID: 5904    Publish Date : 2015/01/01