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Tags - virus
Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has described the US “the most evil enemy of the Iranian nation”, saying the offer by the United States to help Iran fight the corona virus outbreak is strange.
News ID: 45515    Publish Date : 2020/03/22

Jordan has imposed a nationwide curfew in an attempt to fight the spread of the new corona virus , as the respiratory disease continues to afflict more people around the globe.
News ID: 45511    Publish Date : 2020/03/21

Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani says social distancing will continue for two or three weeks as the corona virus outbreak in the country is expected to slow down by then.
News ID: 45509    Publish Date : 2020/03/21

Tehran 20 March_Spain says its death toll from the corona virus epidemic soared Friday to 1,002 from 767 on the previous day, while Italy overtook China for the highest death toll yet.
News ID: 45501    Publish Date : 2020/03/20

China has for the first time reported no new locally transmitted cases of the new corona virus at its epicenter since the country started recording infections in January.
News ID: 45486    Publish Date : 2020/03/19

Iran’s security chief says the United States had better respond to international demands for it to clarify its role in creating and spreading the new corona virus instead of pointing the finger of blame at Iran and China.
News ID: 45484    Publish Date : 2020/03/19

President Hassan Rouhani has hailed Iran’s response to the new corona virus pandemic, highlighting the marked quality of Tehran’s performance compared to that of some major Western countries similarly affected by the fast-spreading disease.
News ID: 45477    Publish Date : 2020/03/18

Tehran 15 March_Since the beginning of a corona virus epidemic in Iran in late February, Iranian people from all walks of life have been engaged in a serious fight to do their part in curbing further spread of the virus across the country.
News ID: 45454    Publish Date : 2020/03/15

Tehran 13 March_Sick people across the United States say they are being denied the corona virus test, as American states scramble to slow the spread of COVID-19 and stop hospitals from being overwhelmed with a surge in critically ill patients.
News ID: 45430    Publish Date : 2020/03/13

Tehran 13 March_Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has issued an edict to Iran's top general, emphasizing the need for the establishment of a “health and treatment base” to prevent further spread of an ongoing corona virus epidemic in the country.
News ID: 45427    Publish Date : 2020/03/13

Tehran 12 March_The European Union leaders have lashed out at US President Donald Trump's "unilateral" decision to impose travel ban from Europe to the United States over the corona virus , saying the illness does not respect borders.
News ID: 45425    Publish Date : 2020/03/12

Tehran 12 March_As the Covid-19 pandemic is finally designated a pandemic by The World Health Organisation (WHO), many are worried about the repercussions across the globe, especially since there have been differing official responses and guidelines propagated by different countries.
News ID: 45423    Publish Date : 2020/03/12

Tehran 12 March_Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has written a letter to the United Nations secretary general, urging lifting of the unilateral and illegal sanctions imposed by the United States on the country, which have greatly hampered the Islamic Republic’s fight against the new corona virus epidemic.
News ID: 45422    Publish Date : 2020/03/12

Tehran 12 March_British scientists are not recommending the government introduce a U.S.-style travel ban to stop the spread of corona virus , a spokesman for Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on Thursday, after President Donald Trump restricted travel from Europe.
News ID: 45421    Publish Date : 2020/03/12

Tehran 12 March_The dollar careened against the euro and yen on Thursday after US President Donald Trump rattled markets with a month-long ban on European travel to the United States.
News ID: 45414    Publish Date : 2020/03/12

Tehran 11 March_Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has agreed to a proposal to consider as “martyrs” medical personnel who have lost their lives in the fight against the corona virus outbreak in Iran, which has one of the highest numbers of infections outside China.
News ID: 45397    Publish Date : 2020/03/11

The Iranian top security official says the virus of imposing sanctions and reneging on pledges is more dangerous to international security than the corona virus .
News ID: 45381    Publish Date : 2020/03/07

Tehran 05 March_Video shows Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak and OPEC Secretary General Mohammad Barkindo perform "foot shake."
News ID: 45366    Publish Date : 2020/03/05

Iran’s top security official has harshly rebuked the US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s allegation that Tehran is covering up details of the corona virus spread in the country.
News ID: 45291    Publish Date : 2020/02/26

Tehran 12 February _The death toll from the corona virus epidemic in China has risen to 1,113, and health experts have finally picked a name for the virus .
News ID: 45158    Publish Date : 2020/02/12