Tags - government

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Tags - government
TEHRAN, oct 26-The Australian government said on Saturday it is increasing the number of visas for skilled workers willing to migrate to the country’s regions in a bid to ease pressure on major cities, where populations are growing twice as fast as elsewhere.
News ID: 44058    Publish Date : 2019/10/26

TEHRAN, Sept 05 - Mexico’s government said on Wednesday that new duties imposed on some Mexican structural steel by the U.S. Commerce Department are part of a normal investigation when an industry feels it is being affected by imports that use unfair practices, such as dumping or subsidies.
News ID: 43541    Publish Date : 2019/09/05

TEHRAN, August 29 - Italy’s head of state is expected to give two former political enemies the chance to form a new government on Thursday, capping an extraordinary three weeks that could mark a turning point in its frayed relations with the European Union.
News ID: 43405    Publish Date : 2019/08/29

TEHRAN, August 21 - Italy’s head of state wants political parties to reach a deal to form a new coalition government in the next few days if they want to avoid snap elections, a source familiar with the matter said on Thursday.
News ID: 43309    Publish Date : 2019/08/22

TEHRAN, August 21 - Italian President Sergio Mattarella begins two days of talks with parties on Wednesday to seek a way out of a political crisis that will lead to the formation of the country’s 67th government since World War Two or to early elections.
News ID: 43289    Publish Date : 2019/08/21

TEHRAN, August 18 - Thousands of school teachers joined an 11th weekend of anti- government protests in Hong Kong on Saturday, as shops pulled down their shutters and braced for another restive summer night.
News ID: 43151    Publish Date : 2019/08/18

TEHRAN, August 12 - Millions of Muslims in Iran and many other Muslim countries across the world have started celebrations for the momentous religious occasion of Eid al-Adha (Feat of Sacrifice), marked in honor of the Islamic imperative of self-abnegation.
News ID: 42938    Publish Date : 2019/08/12

TEHRAN, August 9 - The leader of Italy’s ruling League party, Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini, declared the governing coalition to be unworkable on Thursday after months of internal bickering and said the only way forward was to hold fresh elections.
News ID: 42862    Publish Date : 2019/08/09

TEHRAN, August 8- Venezuela has canceled its participation in a round of talks with the United States-backed opposition in protest at a move by Washington to freeze all Venezuelan government assets in America.
News ID: 42819    Publish Date : 2019/08/08

TEHRAN, Aug 03 - The handpicked successor to disgraced Puerto Rico Governor Ricardo Rossello was sworn in on Friday after Rossello stepped down, but lawyer Pedro Pierluisi said his term as governor might be short as the island’s Senate still had to ratify his position.
News ID: 42663    Publish Date : 2019/08/03

TEHRAN, Jul 28 -Daesh-linked Boko Haram terrorists have attacked mourners returning from a funeral in Nigeria's restive northeast and killed at least 23 people.
News ID: 42480    Publish Date : 2019/07/28

TEHRAN, Jul 22 -The Indian government wants the country’s antitrust body to assess whether the so-called “Big Four” auditing firms and their affiliates are hurting competition in any manner, a senior government official told reporters.
News ID: 42269    Publish Date : 2019/07/22

TEHRAN, Jul 3 - A senior U.S. official told the Commerce Department’s enforcement staff this week that China’s Huawei should still be treated as blacklisted, days after U.S. President Donald Trump sowed confusion with a vow to ease a ban on sales to the firm.
News ID: 41517    Publish Date : 2019/07/03

TEHRAN, Jun 30 -The US government has subpoenaed records from a Boeing Co. plant in South Carolina as well as employees who work there, signaling that its investigation of the US planemaker now extends beyond the 737 Max, according to a person familiar with the matter.
News ID: 41349    Publish Date : 2019/06/30

TEHRAN, Jun 27 -French President Emmanuel Macron said on Thursday there was no need for the government to lower its stake in Renault and that he wanted the Renault-Nissan alliance to work on strengthening its synergies.
News ID: 41229    Publish Date : 2019/06/27

TEHRAN, Jun 19 - Thousands of people gathered in Nepal's capital Wednesday to protest proposed legislation that would allow the government to nationalize centuries-old community and religious trusts responsible for organizing festivals and ceremonies.
News ID: 40883    Publish Date : 2019/06/19

TEHRAN, Jun 12 -A report says an Emirati businessman received money from the UAE’s National Intelligence Service (NIS) to spy on US President Donald Trump’s camp and gather intelligence on his administration’s Middle East policy.
News ID: 40619    Publish Date : 2019/06/12

TEHRAN, Jun 7 - Italy's prime minister and economy minister have formed an unofficial alliance with the president to prevent the euro zone's third-largest economy being dragged into financial crisis by its ruling parties, sources say.
News ID: 40476    Publish Date : 2019/06/07

TEHRAN, Jun 5 - Hungary's government is moving to tighten its grip on the research institutions of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, despite protests by scientists against political control of the academy.
News ID: 40401    Publish Date : 2019/06/05

TEHRAN, May 30 - Thousands of anti- government protesters took to the streets of Mongolia's capital, Ulaanbaatar, on Thursday to demand the leadership step down over allegations of corruption and failure to revive a struggling economy.
News ID: 40099    Publish Date : 2019/05/30