Tags - greece

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Tags - greece
PARIS, Jan 05, 2015 (AFP) - French President Francois Hollande on Monday urged Greece to abide by its European commitments, as the spectre of a Greek exit from the eurozone rears its head again.
News ID: 5937    Publish Date : 2015/01/05

Amid growing Palestine-Israeli tensions, 12 more EU states have joined European heavyweights - such as the UK, Germany and France - in urging their nationals to refrain from doing business in Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory.
News ID: 4547    Publish Date : 2014/07/05

Is Europe on the verge of a popular uprising? The question was asked by one of Greece's most respected newspapers as another year of painful austerity drew to a close.
News ID: 2952    Publish Date : 2013/12/14