Tags - maduro

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Tags - maduro
TEHRAN, Sept 13 -Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro says he will skip this year's United Nations General Assembly in New York but two of his aides will be present at the event to condemn Washington's economic pressure against the South American country.
News ID: 43647    Publish Date : 2019/09/13

TEHRAN, Sept 04 -Venezuelan President, Nicolas Maduro, has put the military forces on high alert across the border with Colombia, in a move to counter a possible “threat of aggression” against his country.
News ID: 43525    Publish Date : 2019/09/04

TEHRAN, August 21 - The chief of US military’s Southern Command has unveiled that Washington’s military establishment is focusing on preparations for what he referred to as “the day after” the downfall of Venezuela’s “isolated” President Nicolas Maduro amid Trump administration’s persisting regime-change policy towards the Central American nation.
News ID: 43260    Publish Date : 2019/08/21

TEHRAN, August 15 -Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has accused former Colombian president Alvaro Uribe of plotting to assassinate him.
News ID: 43059    Publish Date : 2019/08/15

TEHRAN, August 11 -Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro led a rally in Caracas on Saturday (August 10) to denounce recent sanctions on the South American country imposed by the United States.
News ID: 42895    Publish Date : 2019/08/11

TEHRAN, August 7 - US national security adviser John Bolton says that Washington could impose sanctions on any international company for conducting business with Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro.
News ID: 42792    Publish Date : 2019/08/07

TEHRAN, Aug 02 - Washington said on Friday it would bar two Venezuelan officials accused of “human rights violations” from traveling to the United States. The move is the latest action to pressure Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro into stepping down, Reuters said.
News ID: 42652    Publish Date : 2019/08/02

TEHRAN, Jul 14 -Thousands of people have flocked to the streets in the Venezuelan capital of Caracas to protest against a recent United Nations report on the country’s human rights situation.
News ID: 41946    Publish Date : 2019/07/14

TEHRAN, Jul 10 - Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro has slammed the latest United Nations report on the country’s human rights situation as full of “lies.”
News ID: 41811    Publish Date : 2019/07/10

TEHRAN, Jul 8 -Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has reinstated Vladimir Padrino as defense minister who oversaw a US-led attempt to engineer a military coup against the country fall flat.
News ID: 41715    Publish Date : 2019/07/08

TEHRAN, Jul 6 - Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has reiterated his call for dialogue with opposition figure Juan Guaido to end the political stalemate.
News ID: 41637    Publish Date : 2019/07/06

TEHRAN, Jun 27 -Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro says security forces have foiled an opposition coup attempt that included plans to assassinate him and other top political figures.
News ID: 41219    Publish Date : 2019/06/27

TEHRAN, Jun 1- Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido renewed calls for President Nicolas Maduro to resign on Friday while campaigning in the birthplace of former leader Hugo Chavez, following inconclusive talks in Norway to end the country's crisis.
News ID: 40188    Publish Date : 2019/06/01

TEHRAN, May 11 -Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro says his former intelligence chief, who joined opposition figure Juan Guaido during a recent coup attempt, was a "mole" recruited by the CIA to overthrow his government.
News ID: 39129    Publish Date : 2019/05/11

TEHRAN, May 05 -Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido acknowledged on Saturday that errors were made in an attempt to start a military uprising and that he would take any offer from the US to provide a military option in Venezuela to a vote.
News ID: 38845    Publish Date : 2019/05/05

TEHRAN, May 01 -Venezuelan opposition figure Juan Guaido is a “traitor” who is colluding with the administration of President Donald Trump to overthrow President Nicolas Maduro, an American author and radio host says.
News ID: 38699    Publish Date : 2019/05/01

TEHRAN, Apr 14 - The National Bolivarian Militia Force assembled by the Venezuelan government, today is said to exceeded 2 million members according to the reports on Sunday.
News ID: 37887    Publish Date : 2019/04/14

TEHRAN, Apr 14 -US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo made the ongoing economic and political crisis in Venezuela a central point of his four-country visit to Latin America.
News ID: 37855    Publish Date : 2019/04/14

TEHRAN, Apr 14 -MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Venezuela will amend its legislation in order to make the militia a part of the National Bolivarian Armed Forces, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro said in an address on Sunday.
News ID: 37852    Publish Date : 2019/04/14

TEHRAN, Mar 11 -Newly-released footage indicates that opponents of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro set on fire a purported US aid convoy at the border with Colombia two weeks ago, contradicting claims by the US and the opposition that the government was behind the incident.
News ID: 36646    Publish Date : 2019/03/11