Tags - weapons

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Tags - weapons
TEHRAN, November 06 -Russia would consider any new chemical weapons -related sanctions imposed by the United States to be illegal, a Kremlin spokesman said on Wednesday.
News ID: 31215    Publish Date : 2018/11/07

TEHRAN, October 08 -A pro-opposition monitoring group says Turkey-backed militants have not withdrawn their heavy weapons from the buffer zone in northern Syria as they claim and are instead hiding their arms in the north of Latakia.
News ID: 29927    Publish Date : 2018/10/08

TEHRAN, October 07 -Prisoners at a detention center in South Sudan’s capital Juba staged a riot early on Sunday, seizing from a storeroom and triggering a stand off with guards, a security source and residents in the area said.
News ID: 29844    Publish Date : 2018/10/07

TEHRAN, July 22 - 3,566 weapons confiscated within in Los Angeles County were destroyed. This event comes typically in July, in compliance with California Penal Code 18005(c), which calls for weapons unable to be sold to the public or returned to their owners, to be destroyed.
News ID: 26315    Publish Date : 2018/07/22

TEHRAN, July 07 -The first shots have been fired in a trade war between China and the United States that experts say could be damaging for the world economy.
News ID: 25576    Publish Date : 2018/07/07

TEHRAN, May 29 -The United States and Japan have reiterated their stance towards nuclear weapons in possession of North Korea asserting that they should be scrapped.
News ID: 23533    Publish Date : 2018/05/29

TEHRAN, May 21 - India is assessing whether it needs to develop AI-based weapon systems for the military, capable of identifying and attacking targets without human input.
News ID: 23201    Publish Date : 2018/05/21

TEHRAN, May 10 - US Secretary of Defense James Mattis says the US intends to continue working with its allies to prevent Tehran from gaining nuclear weapons . However, he might not find allies that are willing to help.
News ID: 22746    Publish Date : 2018/05/10

TEHRAN, May 9 - Russia has celebrated its Victory Day with massive military parades across the country, showcasing some of its most advanced weapons , including hypersonic missile, Arctic-rated anti-aircraft systems and a new strike drone.
News ID: 22710    Publish Date : 2018/05/09

TEHRAN, April 03 -The US agency in charge of regulating guns and explosives as well as fighting gun-related crimes has no idea how many bullets, chemical weapons and other potentially deadly devices it has in possession, an internal report has found.
News ID: 21214    Publish Date : 2018/04/03

TEHRAN, March 12 - The Pentagon and the CIA see “no change” in Russia’s strategic military capability following new strategic weapons systems presentation, saying they believe that President Putin “says lots of things that are without foundation.”
News ID: 20431    Publish Date : 2018/03/12

TEHRAN, February 16 - A former New York school teacher and his brother stockpiled bomb-making materials in their apartment and paid students to help them, authorities have claimed.
News ID: 19413    Publish Date : 2018/02/16

TEHRAN, December 15 - An extensive field investigation into the origins of Daesh’s weaponry in Syria and Iraq has found that weapons supplied by the US and Saudi Arabia to the Syrian opposition often ended up in Daesh’s hands, enhancing the “quantity and quality” of their armaments.
News ID: 16861    Publish Date : 2017/12/15

TEHRAN, November 23 - Saudi Arabia struck a $7 billion deal with American arms manufactures for precision-guided munitions, sources say, a sign that the kingdom and its allies are adamant in pushing ahead with a years-long war on Yemen despite international pressure.
News ID: 16094    Publish Date : 2017/11/23

TEHRAN, November 11 -A North Carolina-based air traffic controller has been arrested and charged with possessing a weapon of mass destruction. The suspect was working at Charlotte Douglas International Airport during the time of his arrest.
News ID: 15622    Publish Date : 2017/11/11

TEHRAN, November 9-US Senate Democrats have proposed a new assault weapons ban in light of recent mass shootings in the country, but Republicans have refused to support it.
News ID: 15440    Publish Date : 2017/11/09

TEHRAN, October 29 - President Hassan Rouhani has dismissed US calls to renegotiate a nuclear deal as "ridiculous" and pledged that Iran will continue to produce missiles for its defense.
News ID: 14907    Publish Date : 2017/10/29

TEHRAN, October 25 -Moscow vetoed a UN Security Council resolution to renew the mandate for a UN mission investigating the use of chemical weapons in Syria. Ahead of the vote, Russia suggested postponing the discussion, but its proposal was rejected.
News ID: 14637    Publish Date : 2017/10/25

TEHRAN, October 10 - Footage has been released by the Syrian Defense Ministry showing arms and munitions seized from various terrorist groups throughout the country.
News ID: 13956    Publish Date : 2017/10/10

TEHRAN, September 29 - US President Donald Trump is planning to accelerate American weapons sales abroad, and has prepared to ease the restrictions his predecessor, Barack Obama, in this regard, according to a new report.
News ID: 13448    Publish Date : 2017/09/29