Tags - airports

Young journalists club

Tags - airports
TEHRAN, Jan 15 - Strike over salaries by German airport security personnel have led to the cancelation of hundreds of flights in Germany’s busiest travel hub of Frankfurt and seven other key airports across the country.
News ID: 34110    Publish Date : 2019/01/15

TEHRAN, October 07 - Italy will close its airports to unauthorized planes carrying migrants from Germany, Interior Minister Matteo Salvini said on Sunday, ratcheting up a dispute between the EU partners over how to share responsibility for asylum seekers.
News ID: 29867    Publish Date : 2018/10/07

TEHRAN, January 28 - Heavy snowfall blanketed much of Iran on Sunday, closing schools and airports while trapping cars in major intercity highways.
News ID: 18481    Publish Date : 2018/01/28

TEHRAN, May 4, YJC - Thomas Pesquet, a French astronaut has taken beautiful photos of airports across the world.
News ID: 9395    Publish Date : 2017/05/04

TEHRAN, April 2, YJC - The terror group Daesh may be plotting attacks in the United Kingdom, targeting the country's airports and nuclear power plants, British intelligence services revealed.
News ID: 8599    Publish Date : 2017/04/02