Tags - journalist

Young journalists club

Tags - journalist
TEHRAN, June 24, YJC -Rebels with Colombia's National Liberation Army (ELN) group have freed two Dutch journalist s snatched days ago in the country's northeast, officials said Saturday.
News ID: 10653    Publish Date : 2017/06/24

TEHRAN, May 16, YJC - Greek seamen and journalist s have walked off their jobs ahead of a nationwide general strike to protest new austerity measures in the cash-strapped country.
News ID: 9677    Publish Date : 2017/05/16

TEHRAN, April 19, YJC - Italy has called on the Turkish government to set free an Italian journalist and human rights activist arrested near the Syrian border more than a week ago as he was doing research for a book.
News ID: 9057    Publish Date : 2017/04/19

TEHRAN, April 1, YJC -Two journalist s have filed a lawsuit against the US government for being put on a "kill list" during the administration of former president Barack Obama, a list still being used by President Donald Trump's White House.
News ID: 8584    Publish Date : 2017/04/01

A prominent Turkish journalist whose revelations had launched massive and sometimes controversial coup trials was detained on Tuesday morning -- for the fourth time.
News ID: 5882    Publish Date : 2014/12/30

Tehran, YJC. The former Reform VP says that cooperation must be made on releasing political and journalist prisoners.
News ID: 1471    Publish Date : 2013/06/26