Tags - rallies

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Tags - rallies
Sunday, 10 October 2021 (YJC)_Hundreds have held fresh protests across the occupied territories in denunciation of a reported oil deal between the Israeli regime and the United Arab Emirates.
News ID: 53889    Publish Date : 2021/10/10

Monday, 30 November 2020_Foreign arms deals, green-lighted by Benjamin Netanyahu, have taken center stage in fresh massive protests against the scandal-ridden Israeli prime minister.
News ID: 49536    Publish Date : 2020/11/30

TEHRAN, Nov 28_Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has hailed the nation for frustrating enemies’ plots and throwing their weight behind the establishment in the wake of violent riots that recently hit several cities.
News ID: 44357    Publish Date : 2019/11/28

TEHRAN, oct 13_Groups of individuals in Hong Kong have staged flash mob protests across the city’s shopping districts on the 19th week of unrest in the Chinese city.
News ID: 43931    Publish Date : 2019/10/13

TEHRAN, Sept 21-The French government has deployed thousands of police officers Paris to counter fresh yellow vest demonstrations, which are planned to be held alongside global climate rallies in the capital on Saturday.
News ID: 43727    Publish Date : 2019/09/21

TEHRAN, Jun 30 - Sudan's ruling military council warned protest leaders Saturday that they would be held responsible for any destruction or damage by "vandals" and people "with an agenda" ahead of planned mass rallies demanding civilian rule more than two months after the military ousted autocratic President Omar al-Bashir.
News ID: 41383    Publish Date : 2019/06/30

TEHRAN, Jun 9 -Supporters of Albanian opposition parties rallied on Saturday to ask Prime Minister Edi Rama to quit and pave the way to fresh polls, dispersing after throwing firecrackers and flares to police who responded with water jets and tear gas.
News ID: 40544    Publish Date : 2019/06/09

TEHRAN, May 31 - Iranian people took part in countrywide demonstrations on Friday to commemorate the International Quds Day, reaffirm support for Palestine, and condemn the Israeli crimes against Palestinians.
News ID: 40132    Publish Date : 2019/05/31

TEHRAN, May 31 - Millions of Iranians are marking the International Quds Day in the country to condemn a Middle East plan touted by US President Donald Trump as the "deal of the century".
News ID: 40130    Publish Date : 2019/05/31

TEHRAN, May 30 - On the eve of International Quds Day, Iran’s Foreign Ministry calls on Islamic nations to form a united front against the plots hatched by the Israeli regime to sow discord among Muslims and divert attention from the Palestinian cause.
News ID: 40093    Publish Date : 2019/05/30

TEHRAN, May 29 - President of Iran Hassan Rouhani called for massive presence of people in the International Quds Day’s demonstrations to defy the US-drafted ‘deal of the century’, which he denounced as the ‘bankruptcy of the century’.
News ID: 40050    Publish Date : 2019/05/29

TEHRAN, May 28 - The theme of this year’s International Quds Day is “collapse of deal of the century and stabilization of the cause of Palestine”, an Iranian official said, adding that growing aversion to the US and Israeli plots will result in the spread of resistance to the West Bank.
News ID: 40001    Publish Date : 2019/05/28

TEHRAN, Apr 12 - Iranians have held nationwide rallies to express support for the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) following its blacklisting by the US.
News ID: 37773    Publish Date : 2019/04/12

TEHRAN, November 26 -European stocks, Italian bonds and the euro rallied on Monday on signs that Rome was preparing to rework the spending plans that have left it facing formal European Union disciplinary action.
News ID: 32016    Publish Date : 2018/11/26

TEHRAN, July 02 - Despite temperatures that soared above 90 the "Families Belong Together" rally drew tens of thousands of people to Washington this weekend, including some who needed a stroller or some shoulders to sit on.
News ID: 25308    Publish Date : 2018/07/02

TEHRAN, June 08 - Millions of Iranians have held massive demonstration across the country, marking Quds Day.
News ID: 24058    Publish Date : 2018/06/08

TEHRAN, February 11 - Millions of Iranians have taken to the streets nationwide to mark the 39th anniversary of the Islamic Revolution in a show of force on Sunday.
News ID: 19186    Publish Date : 2018/02/11

TEHRAN, January 6 - People have turned out on the streets in separate cities across Iran for a fourth straight day to express support for the Islamic establishment and denounce the violence that was staged in recent protests.
News ID: 17598    Publish Date : 2018/01/06

TEHRAN, January 3 - Iranians from all walks of life have taken to the streets of several cities to renew their allegiance to the Islamic establishment and condemn the recent wave of deadly violence in some areas.
News ID: 17506    Publish Date : 2018/01/03

TEHRAN, December 30 - Millions of Iranians across the country are commemorating the anniversary of the 2009 mass rallies that were held in support of the Islamic Republic and put an end to post-election unrest back then.
News ID: 17332    Publish Date : 2017/12/30