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Tags - congress
Monday, 03 August 2020_US President Donald Trump’s most divisive nominee for a Pentagon position has been given a less-senior policy role at the Defense Department, a spokeswoman says.
News ID: 47261    Publish Date : 2020/08/03

TEHRAN, Dec 23_US President Donald Trump has accused House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of “breaking all the rules” by holding on to the articles of impeachment instead of sending them to the Senate, saying that she has conducted “the most unfair trial in the history” of the United States Congress.
News ID: 44621    Publish Date : 2019/12/23

TEHRAN, Dec 2_US President Donald Trump faced two deadlines in Congress this week as Democrats prepared to shift the focus of their impeachment inquiry from fact-finding to the consideration of possible charges of misconduct over his dealings with Ukraine.
News ID: 44402    Publish Date : 2019/12/02

TEHRAN, oct 17_Elizabeth Lynne Cheney, the Republican Conference Chairwoman of the US House of Representatives, has unveiled legislation to place sanctions on Turkey in response Ankara’s military offensive against Kurdish forces in northern Syria.
News ID: 43966    Publish Date : 2019/10/17

TEHRAN, Jul 18 -A fired-up Donald Trump took aim once more at Democratic lawmakers who "hate" America as he hit the campaign trail Wednesday, hours after an opposition bid to impeach the US president over "racist" attacks was shot down in Congress.
News ID: 42113    Publish Date : 2019/07/18

TEHRAN, Jul 10 - US special representative for Iran Brian Hook says Washington is seeking a Congress-approved agreement with Tehran to replace the 2015 nuclear agreement that President Donald Trump withdrew from last year.
News ID: 41825    Publish Date : 2019/07/10

TEHRAN, Jun 22 - US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi has emphasized any US military action against Iran required Congressional approval.
News ID: 40999    Publish Date : 2019/06/22

TEHRAN, Jun 21 - Republican lawmakers in the US senate have joined the chorus of Democrats urging the administration of President Donald Trump to hold back on war with Iran, reminding the American head of state that the US Constitution would not allow him to unilaterally declare war against the Islamic Republic.
News ID: 40955    Publish Date : 2019/06/21

TEHRAN, Jun 14 -Thousands of Brazilians have joined a general strike, called for by trade unions, to protest against pension reforms being discussed in Congress.
News ID: 40684    Publish Date : 2019/06/14

TEHRAN, Apr 30 - Leading Democratic Party presidential candidate Joe Biden has said that the US Congress should move forward with impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump if he blocks efforts to investigate matters "left undone" by Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation, just 18 months before the 2020 presidential election.
News ID: 38683    Publish Date : 2019/04/30

TEHRAN, Apr 23 - Senior United States Senator Bernie Sanders has demanded that Congress overrides President Donald Trump's veto against a congress ional resolution that would withdraw US support for the Saudi-led war in Yemen.
News ID: 38299    Publish Date : 2019/04/23

TEHRAN, Apr 20 - Political analyst James Petras says that Hawaii Representative Tulsi Gabbard is having a “positive role” in what he describes as “silent” US Congress.
News ID: 38120    Publish Date : 2019/04/20

TEHRAN, Apr 04 - The US House of Representatives has approved a resolution to end US support for the Saudi Arabia-led war against Yemen, rebuffing President Donald Trump’s policy of continued support for Riyadh and curtailing a president's war-making powers.
News ID: 37430    Publish Date : 2019/04/04

TEHRAN, Mar 06 -Two US senators warn that the administration of President Donald Trump “is barreling toward war with Iran,” calling on Congress to act to prevent it.
News ID: 36410    Publish Date : 2019/03/06

TEHRAN, Feb 12 -The Trump administration threatens to veto a bid by the United States Congress to end the country’s military support for the Saudi Arabia-led coalition's onslaught in Yemen.
News ID: 35319    Publish Date : 2019/02/12

TEHRAN, Jan 18 - A group of US lawmakers from both political parties has introduced bills that would ban the sale of American chips or other components to Chinese telecommunications companies that violate US sanctions or export control laws.
News ID: 34256    Publish Date : 2019/01/18

TEHRAN, Jan 4 -The first hijab-wearing Muslim congress woman has vowed to fight efforts by the administration of US President Donald Trump to divide the American public.
News ID: 33722    Publish Date : 2019/01/05

TEHRAN, December 03 -Former FBI Director James Comey said Sunday he will testify before Congress this week after dropping a challenge to a House subpoena.
News ID: 32371    Publish Date : 2018/12/03

TEHRAN, December 03 -The media wants blood after Donald Trump’s former attorney, Michael Cohen, pled guilty to making false statements to Congress. Apparently, only intelligence agencies can lie to Congress and get away with it.
News ID: 32356    Publish Date : 2018/12/03

TEHRAN, November 06 - After a divisive campaign marked by fierce clashes over race, immigration and other cultural issues, Americans began casting votes early on Tuesday to determine the balance of power in the U.S. Congress and shape the future of Donald Trump’s presidency.
News ID: 31180    Publish Date : 2018/11/06