Tags - report

Young journalists club

Tags - report
TEHRAN, November 14 -Hundreds of corpses of slain Islamic State militants have been kept in refrigerated containers in an improvised morgue in Misrata, Libya since December of last year, still awaiting a decision on their fate.
News ID: 15743    Publish Date : 2017/11/14

TEHRAN, November 3 - North Korea has dismissed a report by Japanese media that claimed more than 200 people had lost their lives during a cave-in at a North Korean nuclear test site in early September.
News ID: 15162    Publish Date : 2017/11/03

TEHRAN, October 30 - Iranian Judiciary Chief Ayatollah Sadeq Amoli Larijani dismissed a recent report by a UN rights rapporteur against the Islamic Republic, saying it reflects the views of the country’s enemies.
News ID: 14950    Publish Date : 2017/10/30

TEHRAN, October 24 - Iran’s Foreign Ministry handed over its seventh quarterly report about the multilateral nuclear deal with six world powers to the parliament (Majlis).
News ID: 14628    Publish Date : 2017/10/24

TEHRAN, October 18 -The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has revealed that the number of US police officers feloniously killed on the job in 2016 is up 61 percent year-on-year.
News ID: 14323    Publish Date : 2017/10/18

TEHRAN, September 1 - Iran’s Envoy to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Reza Najafi lauded the agency for preparing a “professional and evenhanded” report on Tehran’s fulfilling its commitments to the 2015 nuclear deal.
News ID: 12604    Publish Date : 2017/09/01

TEHRAN, August 23 - The US Navy is dismissing the commander of the fleet that has suffered four recent collisions in Asia, including two involving fatalities, according to report s.
News ID: 12329    Publish Date : 2017/08/23

TEHRAN, June 19, YJC - American arms manufacturer Lockheed Martin is about to finalize a major deal to sell hundreds of its F-35 Lightning II fighter jets to the US and 10 other governments, a new report has revealed.
News ID: 10531    Publish Date : 2017/06/19

TEHRAN, June 3, YJC - The administration of US President Donald Trump has begun returning to Congress copies of a 2014 report describing the CIA's harsh detention and torture techniques under the George W. Bush administration.
News ID: 10160    Publish Date : 2017/06/03

TEHRAN, May 29, YJC - US President Donald Trump plans on reversing a set of policies enacted by former President Barack Obama that improved US relations with Cuba, according to a new report .
News ID: 10057    Publish Date : 2017/05/30

TEHRAN, May 29, YJC - Israel has launched a rocket to test a new propulsion system, with military officials refusing to say whether it was successful or not.
News ID: 10036    Publish Date : 2017/05/29

TEHRAN, April 10, YJC - Less than two months after the collapse of Plasco building one of Tehran’s major trade centers, an investigative report has been published by a team of top Iranian experts. The team was directly assigned by President Hassan Rouhani to compile a national report aimed at adopting measures to prevent future similar disasters in the country.
News ID: 8803    Publish Date : 2017/04/10

US President Donald Trump's revised immigration ban includes the same seven countries targeted in the original executive order, according to a new report .
News ID: 7831    Publish Date : 2017/02/21

Tehran, YJC. Boroujerdi says following IAEA’s positive report , Iran is not going to stop its nuclear activities.
News ID: 2700    Publish Date : 2013/11/17