Tags - war

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Tags - war
TEHRAN, March 20 - The US Senate has teed up a vote on ending the US military involvement in the Saudi war on Yemen.
News ID: 20824    Publish Date : 2018/03/20

TEHRAN, March 11 - Yemen's prime minister tells Press TV that Saudi Arabia would not have been able to wage a war on the impoverished country without support from the United States.
News ID: 20404    Publish Date : 2018/03/11

TEHRAN, March 3 - The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps, which has been assigned the task of tackling commodity smuggling in the Persian Gulf, will support the administration in the war on smuggling, the IRGC spokesperson said.
News ID: 20120    Publish Date : 2018/03/03

TEHRAN, February 20 - The European Union has war ned that it will defend its interests if the US goes ahead with plans to impose tough trade sanctions against it.
News ID: 19633    Publish Date : 2018/02/20

TEHRAN, February 16 - The top US admiral in the Asia-Pacific has told Congress that America must prepare for the possibility of war with China which has shown a "crystal clear" intent to dominate the South China Sea.
News ID: 19435    Publish Date : 2018/02/16

TEHRAN, February 8 - US Defense Secretary James Mattis denied that the probability of war with North Korea has increased since Donald Trump took office.
News ID: 19036    Publish Date : 2018/02/08

TEHRAN, February 6 - The top American military officer, Marine General Joseph Dunford, has war ned that any war between the United States and North Korea would be "nasty."
News ID: 18967    Publish Date : 2018/02/06

TEHRAN, January 25 - Garbage has become a source of food for hundreds of impoverished Yemenis following war and famine in the country.
News ID: 18365    Publish Date : 2018/01/25

TEHRAN, December 26 - The secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation (SCRF) war ns that tens of thousands of US nationals will lose their lives in case a full military action on the Korean Peninsula breaks out.
News ID: 17230    Publish Date : 2017/12/26

TEHRAN, December 14 - North Korea on Thursday war ned it would take "merciless self-defensive" measures should the United States enforce a naval blockade, which Pyongyang sees as "an act of war ", the country’s state media said.
News ID: 16820    Publish Date : 2017/12/14

TEHRAN, December 3 - UN Secretary General expressed concern over the clashes in Yemen and called for urgent cease of Saudi’s air and ground raids to Yemen.
News ID: 16467    Publish Date : 2017/12/04

The continued US military presence in Syria, three times larger than previously reported, risks setting off a wider war in the region, analysts told Sputnik.
News ID: 16392    Publish Date : 2017/12/02

The UN has launched a record appeal for $22.5bn to help victims of conflict and humanitarian crises around the world.
News ID: 16391    Publish Date : 2017/12/02

TEHRAN, November 30 - The US ambassador to the United Nations steps up rhetoric against North Korea following its latest missile test, threatening to “utterly” destroy the regime if war breaks out.
News ID: 16324    Publish Date : 2017/11/30

TEHRAN, November 26 - The British Army is secretly training Saudi Arabian soldiers to fight in Yemen, where more than 12,000 people have been killed since the onset of the Saudi war in March 2015, according to a report.
News ID: 16198    Publish Date : 2017/11/26

TEHRAN, November 25 - General John Nicholson, the top US Army commander in Afghanistan, has acknowledged that the war in the country “is still in a stalemate.”
News ID: 16167    Publish Date : 2017/11/25

TEHRAN, November 25 - In 2016 nearly 23000 babies have been killed in Yemen, and UN sees the Saudi-led coalition responsible for the huge catastrophe in the country, UNISEF reports.
News ID: 16160    Publish Date : 2017/11/25

TEHRAN, November 22 - The US has been waging a war against drugs for half a century, viewing drug addiction as a criminal phenomenon instead of a health issue, therefore no headway has been made in curbing the US opioid crisis, an American analyst says.
News ID: 16081    Publish Date : 2017/11/22

TEHRAN, November 14 - The US House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed a resolution clearly stating that US military assistance to Saudi Arabia in its war against neighboring Yemen is not authorized by Congress.
News ID: 15759    Publish Date : 2017/11/14

TEHRAN, November 11 - Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said the military campaign against the Daesh Takfiri terrorist group has cost the conflict-stricken Arab country $100 billion worth of damage as government forces, backed by fighters from the Popular Mobilization Units, are driving the extremists out of their last redoubt in the country.
News ID: 15632    Publish Date : 2017/11/11