Tags - militant

Young journalists club

Tags - militant
TEHRAN, May 31, YJC -Philippine security forces have killed 89 extremist militant s during more than a week of fighting in a southern city but the gunmen are still offering strong resistance and holding hostages, the military says.
News ID: 10095    Publish Date : 2017/05/31

TEHRAN, May 17, YJC - Afghan security forces have engaged three gunmen who have attacked a state radio and television building in Afghanistan’s eastern Nangarhar Province.
News ID: 9708    Publish Date : 2017/05/17

The Syrian army has resumed the evacuation of residents from militant -besieged areas outside Aleppo after buses carrying them were hit by terrorists on Saturday, killing at least 112 people.
News ID: 8959    Publish Date : 2017/04/16

TEHRAN, April 12, YJC -The Syrian government and militant s are reportedly set to begin the evacuation of four towns in Idlib and Rif Dimashq as part of a deal they reached late last month.
News ID: 8854    Publish Date : 2017/04/12

TEHRAN, April 1, YJC - A third group of militant s and their families has begun leaving the last militant bastion in Syria’s western city of Homs under an agreement reached recently with the Syrian government.
News ID: 8580    Publish Date : 2017/04/01

President Donald Trump on Monday accused the news media of ignoring attacks by Islamist militant s in Europe.
News ID: 7615    Publish Date : 2017/02/07

Militants gained ground on Monday in a battle for a strategic Shiite enclave in northern Iraq that provides a corridor to Syria, officials and residents said.
News ID: 4412    Publish Date : 2014/06/16