Tags - judge

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Tags - judge
TEHRAN, December 16 -President Donald Trump on Saturday hailed a court decision against Obamacare as “a great ruling for our country,” while a U.S. government official said the decision by a Texas judge would have no immediate impact on health coverage.
News ID: 32884    Publish Date : 2018/12/16

TEHRAN, October 28 -A federal judge in New York denied a request from the Trump administration to delay an upcoming trial over whether it can ask about an individual's citizenship status in the 2020 Census.
News ID: 30742    Publish Date : 2018/10/28

TEHRAN, October 16 -A U.S. judge on Tuesday approved the settlement between the Securities and Exchange Commission, Tesla Inc (TSLA.O) and its Chief Executive Officer Elon Musk.
News ID: 30286    Publish Date : 2018/10/16

TEHRAN, October 04 -A U.S. federal judge in California barred the Trump administration on Wednesday from implementing a plan to end temporary protections for more than 300,000 immigrants in the United States from El Salvador, Haiti, Nicaragua and Sudan.
News ID: 29671    Publish Date : 2018/10/04

TEHRAN, August 7 -A federal judge in New Orleans on Friday said it is unconstitutional to incarcerate people who owe fines due to criminal convictions without giving them a chance to plead poverty in a "neutral forum."
News ID: 27087    Publish Date : 2018/08/07

TEHRAN, August 1-A federal judge on Friday ruled that the Trump administration must fully restore a program that protects from deportation some young immigrants who were brought to the United States illegally as children, including accepting new applications for the program.
News ID: 26901    Publish Date : 2018/08/04

TEHRAN, July 24 -The U.S. government will update a federal judge on Tuesday about its efforts to meet a Thursday deadline for reuniting roughly 2,500 immigrant children and parents who were separated by officials as they crossed the U.S.-Mexico border.
News ID: 26432    Publish Date : 2018/07/24

TEHRAN, July 14 -A US judge has ordered the government to pay the costs of reuniting immigrant families with their children after being separated at the US-Mexico border as part of President Donald Trump's "zero tolerance" policy.
News ID: 25916    Publish Date : 2018/07/14

TEHRAN, June 30 - A federal judge on Friday struck down Kentucky's effort to require some people to work and pay monthly premiums in order to receive Medicaid.
News ID: 25194    Publish Date : 2018/06/30

TEHRAN, June 18 -Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort was jailed Friday after a federal judge revoked his house arrest over allegations of witness tampering in special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation.
News ID: 24546    Publish Date : 2018/06/18

TEHRAN, May 29 - A British judge this month called for a ban on knifes with sharp points in an effort to decrease knife violence in the country.
News ID: 23552    Publish Date : 2018/05/29

TEHRAN, May 2 - A federal judge in New York has ordered Iran to pay $6 billion to the alleged families of 9/11 attacks even though a state investigation has found no link between Tehran and those who carried out the bombings.
News ID: 22392    Publish Date : 2018/05/02

TEHRAN, April 30 - Pakistan’s environmental protection agency is installing air quality monitors and warning factories to add pollution filters after a panel of the country’s top judge s ordered the government to detail its efforts to control worsening air pollution.
News ID: 22317    Publish Date : 2018/04/30

TEHRAN, April 28 - Fujifilm Holdings Corp’s (4901.T) merger with U.S. firm Xerox Corp (XRX.N) was temporarily blocked on Friday following a court ruling, handing its activist investors a win after they sued to stop the deal.
News ID: 22237    Publish Date : 2018/04/28

TEHRAN, April 17 - A US federal judge has ruled that Facebook will have to face a class action suit over allegations of violating users’ privacy.
News ID: 21815    Publish Date : 2018/04/17

TEHRAN, February 28 - The Quebec Court judge who refused to hear the case of a woman unless she removed her hijab in the courtroom has lost her latest bid to try to quash a disciplinary investigation into her conduct.
News ID: 19958    Publish Date : 2018/02/28

TEHRAN, February 13 -After more than five years of holding up in the Ecuadorian embassy in London, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange faces a pivotal moment.
News ID: 19275    Publish Date : 2018/02/13

TEHRAN, November 21 - A federal court judge in California on Monday blocked an executive order from President Donald Trump to deny some federal grants to so-called sanctuary cities, undermining the administration’s crackdown on illegal immigration.
News ID: 16019    Publish Date : 2017/11/21

TEHRAN, November 9-The judge presiding over the criminal case against President Donald Trump’s former campaign manager issued a gag order on Wednesday barring anyone involved in the case from making public statements that might taint it.
News ID: 15441    Publish Date : 2017/11/09

TEHRAN, October 25-Portuguese judge s sparked anger after quoting the Bible as justification for handing down a suspended sentence to a man who attacked his ex-wife with a nail-studded bat. He had alleged that she was unfaithful to him.
News ID: 14667    Publish Date : 2017/10/25